Update:Well, THAT was quick! I just got polled – a lengthy one – by Kelly’s campaign via the Terrence Group out of Texas (I believe). Certainly, Brooks wasted NO time in getting this done!
"You want a legal question, I call a lawyer. I’m not a lawyer." – I guess this is a general purpose line from Mr. Binnie – he’s actually done so and it is turning out to be SUCH a hoot! Here’s Cornerstone’s new ad:
Drew Cline’s blog broke the story and I nearly bust a gut reading the "official" Letter from Mr. Binnie’s lawyer he posted up. It scolds the Ayotte campaign for colluding with Cornerstone (Really? Cornerstone is a "shadowy organization"? Somebody isn’t getting out much lately, are they?) on a "smear" of poor Mr. Binnie as he crows about these "demonstrated links". Yeah, that amount of proof and a buck will get me a donut.
You know something? The real problem is that Mr. Binnie is rather upset that somebody decided to simply quote him. To challenge him. And I guess he has found his own words to be upsetting, less than of sterling quality in that it spoils his narrative.
Of course, when he said "I’d just call a lawyer", he was talking about a totally different topic (er, the Constitution?). It certainly seemed at the time that Mr. Binnie did NOT like being challenged for something HE said. Let me put up this reminder:
At the time, I heard the phrase "thin skinned" from the audience behind me at this micro-meltdown; after all, it really was an unforced error – NO one put him on the spot, twisted his words, or took him out of context concerning this most basic Constitutional issue. Yet, a mild challenge from the Moderator gave us the first temper tantrum of the silly season.
Seems like this may be an on-going issue and that he has NOT learned the "Internet Lesson" – speak and act like you are…
…always on camera, for pretty much, you are. Another reason why he’s pursuing the "Air War" – he gets to control the message? Welcome to retail politics NH style, with the Disruptive Technologies of the Internet and ubiquitous FlipCams 24/7/365 where WE control the message thrown in for good measure. Sorry, tables turned now.
Well, I guess it’s a general purpose saying for this Senator-wannabee CEO: "I’d just call a lawyer". He certainly has done so for the simple act of someone else competing in the "Air War" with his words: Cornerstone. What a hoot! Ask yourself – did anyone put these words into his mouth? I remember at his Laconia event early on, he DID present his abortion view pretty much as the Cornerstone ad has them.
It is also HYSTERICAL to me that he immediately went after Ayotte’s campaign, blaming her for collusion. Note to Mr. Binnie and your campaign staff – if ANY of the other candidates would have "been in collusion", it would not have been Kelly. Now, having narrowed down that field, ya gotta 50/50 chance of getting it right. And you’d STILL be wrong – as Kevin Smith is just that too skilled a player to make such a boneheaded maneuver.
And you have to hand it to Kevin – sure, Mr. Binnie is going to get LOTS of "earned media" by threatening to bring this complaint to the FEC
And Cornerstone is going to be laughing all the way as Kevin’s martial art technique ("just assist your opponent to fall on their face from their own momentum"). Discovery will be a hoot!