Finally, something positive to write about…
We, who call ourselves Conservative Patriots, and who claim membership in the "912" and "Tea Party" community, know that race is not part of it at all – it’s only about policy.
And, just because Barack Obama is a person of color, we are told, by pinheads in parts of the media, that we are racist when we criticize him or his actions.
I just saw this video on Facebook and it apparently took place yesterday morning. It is from the Project 21 "Black Conservative National Press Club Conference". It is so, so gratifying to see these folks stand up and defend the "Tea Party" and Conservative community that we all belong to. If you hear it from these folks, that the Tea Party movement is not about race, and you still believe it, well, I can’t do a damn thing to change your mind. But, if you are a rational, thinking person, and see this for yourself, then you have to admit that it’s true.
Lloyd Marcus, of the Tea Party Express, is also a driver behind this important message.
Maybe we just took one step closer to REALLY becoming a post-racial society, despite what Liberals have done to ensure that we never get there.
We probably won’t see THIS on the Main-Stream media either, but let me know if you do!
Credit to Human Events for this video:
A second video from the same event, with Mychal Massie:
And a third, with Bob Parks:
And another great clip:
You can see more at Bob Parks’ YouTube Channel, "Black and Right"