Blue Hampshire declares this Carol Shea-Porter Week; well, SURE THING, DEAN!


Formerly titled: “Well, my Congresswoman knows me by name and face…”; Oh, Carol??

UPDATED and BUMPED:  Well, it seems that Dean over at Blue Hampshire has decided to declare this to be "It’s Carol Shea-Porter Week on Blue Hampshire."  Well, I’m not all that much as a party dude (heh! multiple meanings) at all, but hey, if Dean wants the New Media to pitch in on Carol Shea-Porter’s behalf, who am I to say no?  So, all the Groksters will join in the celebration that is CSP.  We’ll even use a tag for just for this purpose – just because Dean asked!:

Please put a "CSP Week" tag on any Carol Shea-Porter post you write here this week

"Why Soytinly!", there Dean – happy to oblige ya!  Hmm, I’m just betting that, somehow, we may well be celebrating totally different things here at the ‘Grok than they will be at BH.  Steve has already started our parade with this post on her "why, they’re not special" special interests that are just LAVISHING gobs of cash on her – the unions.

You know,  one of the things that one should judge a politician on is whether or not she will keep her promises to her constituents – of which, I am one.  And she made a Promise to this Blue Star Dad (twice over).



I was having a conversation last night with another guy that "does politics" and was remarking on the fact that retail politics IS the norm here in NH as opposed to the mass media market approaches that are the standard in other states.  The small physical size and population (relatively speaking) allows and encourages it.  Here, we CAN talk to the candidates and office holders directly – it is taken for granted where in other states, very few of the electorate get to know even those from their own Party, much less the other Party.

So I guess I am blessed – Carol Shea-Porter actually knows my face and my name – albeit, perhaps not as a "good" omen. But she admitted that her office knows how to get ahold of me.

But I’M SO DARSH GONE EXCITED!!!  She actually sent me a letter on her Official Congressman Letterhead THANKING ME (this ordinary schlub from central New Hampsha) for attending her Town Hall event in Laconia back in early April (hey, what’s a month and a half between the elected and the electors!) – I guess filling in her after event "got a concern, fill in this form) worked:

Carol Shea-Porter letter
(larger version after the jump)

You remember – the same Town Hall where Carol Shea-Porter made a promise to a Blue Star Mom – and to me:

Problem is, when I filled in the form, I asked ONE SPECIFIC question – but her Letter didn’t address it. 

Carol – when are you going to honor your promise to "get an answer quickly back" to this BLUE STAR DAD?

Carol Shea-Porter Letter


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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