From a article by Michael Barone, this caught my eye:
But that was no longer the case in 1910. By then, another vision was being advanced, the vision of the Progressives—the vision of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, of political philosophers Herbert Croly and John Dewey.
The Progressives explicitly repudiated the Founders’ vision of limited government. They argued that government needed to redistribute property, to take money from one group of citizens to help others, and to regulate economic activity in ways previously considered unconstitutional. The Constitution, they said, was a “horse and buggy” document, suited perhaps to the simpler society of the 18th century, but dangerously out of date in a complex industrial society which could not expect ordinary citizens to make their way without government guidance and assistance. They were acting, they said, in the interests of the people. Their critics said they were acting out of hunger for power.
At every point, the Progressive ideal is directly opposed to that of the original intent of the Founders:
- Instead of maximum individual freedom, Progressives want subservience to a technocratic elite so as to "better order" society
- Instead of maximum choices made by solely by individuals for themselves and their families, Progressives believe that they have the right and the power to keep people safe from themselves – and limit what people can do on their own
- They denigrate traditional values held dear by most Americans; they dislike the absolute idea of right and wrong, of self-responsibility, and "quaint notion" that charity comes not from a government bureaucrat but from an individual’s heart as a result feeling true compassion towards their friends and neighbors.
- Most Americans believe in a higher Power than themselves and truly accept that their Rights stem directly from our Creator; Progressives crassly dismiss that as superstition, reject the idea that they will be held to account by God, and that one’s Rights are solely a result of superior lobbying by an oppressed victim group.
- Instead of equality before the Law, and in the Rule of Law, they have decided that that what one earns can be taken from them in the name of Social Justice – in other words, you do not own you; rather, you are responsible for providing for the needs of the collective.
GraniteGrok has now endorsed a number of people:
If we were to summarize what all these people have in common, it would be this:
A love for the US and the NH Constitutions, as originally written and envisioned – and not the faux socialist vision of Progressives.
The mantra? Let’s go back for the future: Government is not the answer, but we individuals are. It is our responsibility, this time in history, and in this election time, to elect those that will allow us to succeed (and fail) without the heavy hand of Government holding us back or propping us up – else we may never be able to recapture what millions have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Progressives will adopt the language that "sounds" ok – until you challenge their meanings and definitions. With the above folks, you will not have to figure out what is meant – they "speak" the original intent.