Strict diet – well, I’m supposed to be on one…but have been cheating a tad as of late – so this grabbed my attention. Diets are necessary, and I was out of control so food-wise,so I had to go (mostly) into “food austerity mode”.
Posting from me will be rather light for a while as I go back to code-pounder mode and work under the hood here at the ‘Grok. So, slight to no chance at long and involved posts from me for a while – strictly lighter fare. Like this!
Most political commercials are downright awful; boring, poor production values, and a script that a high school kid could write – better! Thus far this campaign season, I’ve tried to put up ones that have a hook to them – campy over the edge, blunt, guns, or simply just make me laugh!
This one, from Jim Bender (US Senate) did just that – laugh (remember, I blog about what amuses me – and this did)! You see, when you’re laughing, you’re paying attention – success 1. Two, you get the message: big fat government EATING your money. Not spending it, not spending it wisely, but just gorging on it.
Nice swipe at at the Government Motors with the cake-that-is-Chevy too!
You know, seeing a message is FAR better than one where the candidate’s name is pronounced over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and….I’m over it….boring.