John Hawkins over at RightWingNews is a good blogger buddy of the ‘Grok and has been asking us to help out in his polls from time to time. Given the taunts of the TEA Party being racists by Democrats and Progressives (and Republicans that just hate the TEA Party because it is threatening to pop them off their perches of power [i.e., Republican Trent Lott’s sneer that TEA Party candidates MUST be co-opted if they win]), John decided to ask a whole bunch of us some serious questions (the sites are after the jump). Overall, I’m not surprised at the answers (although I bet the race-baiters are just HOPPING mad!):
The bloggers were asked to give answers to the following questions (because some bloggers skipped particular questions, gave answers that weren’t listed, or gave answers that were difficult to categorize, there are not 74 responses to each question.)
1) How big a problem is racism in our society today? Is it a big problem, somewhat of a problem, a small problem or not a problem at all?
A) A big problem: 4.8% (3 votes)
B) Somewhat of a problem: 20.6% (13 votes)
C) A small problem: 60.3% (38 votes)
D) Not a problem at all: 14.3% (9 votes)2) If you honestly assessed yourself, would you say that you’re racially prejudice?
A) Yes: 1.6% (1 votes)
B) No: 98.4% (62 votes)3) Do you think blacks have achieved racial equality, will soon achieve racial equality, will not achieve racial equality in your lifetime, or will never achieve racial equality?
A) Have achieved: 78.7% (48 votes)
B) Will soon achieve: 16.4% (10 votes)
C) Won’t achieve in your lifetime: 4.9% (3 votes)4) In general, do you approve or disapprove of giving preferences to blacks and other minorities in things like hirings, promotions, and college admissions?
A) Approve: 0% (0 votes)
B) Disapprove: 100% (63 votes)5) Do you believe that the government discriminates against white Americans based on their skin color?
A) Yes: 79.4% (50 votes)
B) No: 20.6% (13 votes)6) Do you believe that people who are opposed to illegal immigration could best be described as…
A) People who want to see the border secured, support law order, or believe illegal immigration is bad for America: 96.8% (61 votes)
B) People who don’t like Hispanics: 0% (0 votes)
C) Not sure: 3.2% (2 votes)7) In your opinion, have you or a group you’re a part of ever been falsely accused of racism?
A) Yes: 86.9% (53 votes)
B) No: 13.1% (8 votes)
8) Do you think the majority of accusations of racism in politics today are false?
A) Yes: 100% (62 votes)
B) No: 0% (0 votes)9) Do you think that NAACP would better be described as a group that…
A) Represents black Americans: 0% (0 votes)
B) Represents liberal black Americans: 100% (62 votes)10) Which of the following do you think best describes Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton?
A) People are genuinely trying to fight against racism and injustice: 1.6% (1 votes)
B) People who make mostly false accusations of racism to get attention, make money, or for political gain: 93.7% (59 votes)
C) Not sure: 4.8% (3 votes)11) Do you believe that the Democratic Party falsely tries to convince black and Hispanic Americans that Republicans hate them as a political strategy?
A) Yes, they do: 100% (63 votes)
B) No, they don’t: 0% (0 votes)
C) Most Republicans do hate black & hispanic Americans: 0% (0 votes)