Why differentiation matters…”

by Skip

And no, I don’t mean differentials in terms of either calculus or or drive trains.  In politics, the differences between candidates can count (those between Parties do as well but are generally more easily seen).  Often candidates make the decision to move Right or move Left to simply and merely appeal to more voters with respect to their rivals – their actual stances (vs the marketed ones) are victims to the almighty power of the office instead of actually portraying themselves as they really are.  Simply, they are being political (eh, Charlie, with your talk of being simpatico with the TEA Party agenda?) rather than standing on principles.

Like in this story, where the incumbent Democrat Governor made a decision to move Right simply to make the NRA look like fools (seemingly easy to do lately) in endorsing him over his rival, John Kasich.  The differences are distinct but only when taken in the whole – but because the NRA only looks at a single issue (vs the impacts on Freedom overall), the NRA may end up hurting vs. helping. 

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Ohio Democratic Party tried unsuccessfully this week to get information on all people licensed to carry concealed weapons in the Buckeye State…

…The Democrat’s request came a week after the National Rifle Association endorsed Gov. Ted Strickland over Republican challenger John Kasich.

Since becoming governor, Strickland in 2008 signed bills making the "castle doctrine" law in Ohio. It presumes that people acted in self-defense when using force against someone who illegally entered their home or car. He also that year signed a bill championed by gun supporters that lessened restrictions on concealed carry license holders.

And Strickland has said that he supports Senate Bill 239, a bill making its way through the Ohio legislature that would allow concealed carry license holders to tote their firearms in alcohol-serving establishments such as family restaurants and bars — a measure opposed by police groups. That Ohio bill is one of the top priorities in the country for the NRA.

Sounds good, right?  Problem is, on many other subjects, Kasich is a clear choice when it comes to Liberty and Freedom issues.  But because Strickland ran Right on guns, it took a huge potential ally for Freedom off the table – and perhaps turned it into a large negative for Republican Kasich.

All politics is local, and what happens elsewhere happens in your local area too.  And, as it turns out, here in NH.  Here is a likely scenario of what a normally very Left leaning politician, Paul Hodes, could do because of the lack of a "stark difference":

This election is about differences – and Republicans, in order to stop this headlong dive away from the Constitution, must make large gains in the House and the Senate – both in DC and here in NH.

Ovide speaks of the importance of being to present stark contrasts to the voters between Democrat and Republican candidates.  He speaks of a possible match up between Kelly Ayotte and Paul Hodes as an illustration of not providing a wide differentiation.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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