Dr. (And Mrs. Dr.) Beer Party

by Steve MacDonald

Add this to the so smart they are stupid roll-call.  Two members of Harvard Faculty, that’s Haaahvaahd, both employed at the School of medicine, hosted a graduation party in Weare at which 70 teenagers were arrested for underage drinking.  J.Wesley and Theonia Boyd, according to the Union Leader, were charged with facilitating an underage drinking party and were later released on their own recognizance pending arraignment. 

Remarkable or not, follow the logic of the Harvard professor.

Boyd, a psychiatrist, said he never saw anyone drinking any alcohol. He acknowledged he may have thought one or two kids were intoxicated, but he couldn’t know for sure because he saw no one drinking.  

This guy is a professor—a psychiatrist—at the Harvard School of Medicine.    We are to believe that he did not suspect anyone was drinking because he didn’t see any alcohol though one or two kids ‘seemed’ intoxicated.  Mr. Boyd must be a dog psychiatrist?  Or maybe no one drinks at Harvard except the faculty.

He was surprised when police showed photos, taken after the arrests, with large numbers of beer containers in the yard, he said.  

Look Thenoia, pretty Blue Lights…or are those Bud Lites?  OK. Here’s my favorite part.

Meanwhile, he said police made derogatory comments about some of the students taken into custody. They called an Asian a special-needs student; told an African-American he must be at St. Paul’s on a basketball scholarship and described an Indian woman as a princess, Boyd said. A redhead was called “red,” he said.

“You pick the stereotype, there were derogatory remarks being made about that person,” he said.

He said police separated the students into groups they labeled as sober and intoxicated, but took them all into protective custody. And 30 cars at the home were towed to impound lots 

This, he notices.   So now I have to wonder if Mr. Diversity supported the ban on Military recruiters at Harvard?  I really don’t care and to be honest, who can believe anything a dim witted professor might say after he failed to notice 70 teenagers drinking at a house we are meant to assume he was actually in at the time.

More obvious than a drunken teenager is the fact that Mr. open minded has the lens on his worldview cranked down pretty tight.  He specializes in psychiatry (at Haaahvaahd), very likely took plenty of psychology, and he’s had to have had some medical training as well–with plenty of indoctrination studies to boot.  He can’t see beer cans littering his yard, or use his massive intellect to even suspect that a large crowd of teenage graduates might be drinking, but hard working cops make some wise cracks at underage drunks while they clean up the mess at Mr. ethnic sensitivities beer party and he’s all outraged. 

What an ass.

J. Wesley either knew all about the illegal behavior—and regardless of what any of us thinks about the legal drinking age at the moment it is illegal—or he’s a complete idiot.  No, I’m not averse to a combination of the two.


I posted this yesterday morning (6/8/10), before this bit of news on 6/9/10.  Police now report finding close to 30 cases of beer and some small quanitity of hard liquor at this party, and in the 30 cars they towed away after the initial bust.  Not all the kids were drunk, and several ran off into the woods, the hosts (The Boyd’s) look even more rediculous than when I first wrote this.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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