Not A Black Man In Sight?

by Steve MacDonald

I was listening to Jim and Marjorie on the way into work this morning, (WTKK) and a gentleman called in with some concerns that the Tea Party might in fact have some racist undertones.  He mentioned a few signs he saw at a New Hampshire Tea Party event he went to that made him uncomfortable, nothing racist, just your standard refreshing the tree of liberty/ pro second amendment stuff.  (He did not mention when or where the event was while I was listening but I take him at his word.)  When asked the money question, "did you at any point feel like there was some racist sentiment," the gentleman suggested that there was, and he seemed to base this on the fact that he was the only black man there.   

This is an interesting notion.  I can’t fault him for thinking it.  Being from Massachusetts he may not have known this, but the absence of African American’s at a New Hampshire Tea Party is as likely as the absence of African Americans from a lot of happening around the Granite State.  It’s not racist.  It’s a statistical fact.

New Hampshire has a black population below 2%.  So what do blacks have against New Hampshire? Is it low because we are all a bunch of gun toting racists?  Some people might say that, but I doubt it.  The NHDP has been selling NH as the new Blue liberal utopia since 2006 and wrecking the state economy as a matter of principle,  so given the dynamics of that argument the place should be teeming with diversity but it’s not.  We can take this several different ways, but white racism doesn’t cut it.

African Americans overwhelmingly vote democrat. They voted 88% for democrats in 2004, and significantly more so in 2008.  So while there are democrats at tea party events,  they are less likely to attend if they are white, or blue, or green, or any other color because they are democrats;  they do not object to the spending and deficits, so why would a fraction of a fraction  of them make the trip?

African Americans probably feel some degree of peer pressure to avoid objecting to Mr. Obama regardless of their feelings about his political agenda.  This is not measurable, certainly not by me, but I’ve been subjected to union pressure to conform, and everyone has felt peer pressure, so it is just as likely that this works against participation further, even if someone wanted to attend a Tea Party event or get involved in fighting the progressive left wing agenda. 

And at most, maybe one forth of the country publicly aligns with the te party movement itself–as in, actually attends events. 

So given these statistics, 24% of the population of which 1.2% in New Hampshire is black–but votes 90% democrat, and is encouraged not to object to the liberal assault on American liberty, the odds that you will see an African American in New Hampshire protesting at a Tea Party event falls below that of getting struck by lightning.   Maybe that’s even a high estimate.

Racism has nothing to do with it.

So are there racists in New Hampshire.  Yes. And we’ll probably get to meet a few tomorrow if they decide to pretend to be with the Tea Party.  Remember racism is a job pro-liberty folks just won’t do, so the left has to import them from a foreign party–their own.  Of course if they actually act like they are with the tea party, you won’t be able to differentiate them from the crowd of enthusiastic, well behaved, patriotic Americans who could care less what color their president is because their money is all the same color.  What they object to is not the man, his color, not even to the color of the hundreds of stupid white members of congress who rammed through massive deficit increases and an unwanted trillion dollar social programs…

…It is the grotesque government incompetence, arrogance, disregard for public opinion, and outright greed that the liberals in the democrat party are perpetrating upon everyone at the expense of generations of Americans.   It’s the spending stupid.

Cross Posted From NH Insider


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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