Pop Quiz – for all your liberal friends


OK, a little test for the scholars among us-which of the following is the truth? 

-A baby still in the womb is not a baby but a tissue mass, but the second it is born it becomes a baby.

-Islamic terrorists only want to kill Americans because we imprison them when they try to kill us.

-When it’s too hot, it’s due to global warming.  When it’s too cold, it’s due to global warming.

-The way to get out of a recession is for the government to take money from the private sector, siphon off enough to support the bureaucracy and then give the rest to companies that are unionized.

-The way to put people back to work is to take money from people that have jobs, and extend the jobless benefits of the unemployed.

-Another great idea to promote employment is to require small banks to make loans to small companies that don’t want loans. 

-Public school teachers work harder than any other profession and are grossly underpaid for what they do.

-Government at any level can never do with less funding than they had the year before, they always need more.

-Creating more bureaucracies and government agencies, and increasing regulations and taxes on the private sector, will lead to prosperity for all.

-If you run out of money, just print more!!  No problem!

-Evolution is a proven fact and the fossil record…..ummm…just take my word for it. 

-Good science is based on consensus or majority opinion.

-Liberal politicians never act like conservatives just to get elected.

-Giving someone who spills hot coffee in their laps millions of dollars for being clumsy makes perfect sense.

-Providing free housing, food, cell phones, cars, etc., etc., motivates people to find work and better themselves and their families.

-Governments and companies promising to support people at nearly full pay after they are retired and no longer working will never run out of money down the road a few years.

-Someone giving a speech with a couple notes scribbled on their hand is the same or worse than someone who needs a teleprompter to speak to a class of elementary school children.

-Any criticism of a non-white liberal’s policies or actions is based in racism.  A non-white liberal can lie about or call a non-white conservative names and it is ok.

-We can win a war against people that dress like civilians and hide in churches and schools, and never hurt any civilians in the process.

-Government can continue to spend money like bandits and the Chinese will keep buying our debt without ever calling their loans and requiring we make good on them.

-Limiting where insurance companies can sell their products, requiring that they cover all manner of diseases and injuries, regardless of personal behavior, and telling them how much they can charge, will bring health care costs down.

-Taxing the rich is always better than letting them invest it in companies and businesses that hire people, make a profit and provide dividends to their shareholders, who are mostly middle class people, who then save and invest it…..

-Taking tax money and giving it to people that make solar panels is more likely to make us energy independent than drilling for oil that we know is right off our shores. 

Whoops, I forgot to include one truth in the whole list!!  


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