Generation Y. Saving America from the ravages of the Boomers?



Guest post by Andrew Hemingway

There is so much happening in our world today that children and teens in the US really have no chance of keeping up. There is every imaginable toy, song, gadget  you can think of to keep them from the reality that is their life, and when they are not listening to headphones, they are texting their friends. I sound like an old man here. I am on the leading edge of what they call Generation  Y. There is in every society cycles, cycles of good (boomers) and cycles of bad (depression era), but not just in our own history, but in the history of civilization this has been true. Some generations ride on the coat tails of others, and some generations wake up to find themselves having to fight to retain their freedom.

Now, before you turn me off and think this is a young man bemoaning his lot in life- Think Again! My generation is the first generation that will not earn enough to pay for our parent’s entitlements. You see we are unfortunate to have parents in the Boomers. It is mathematically impossible for us to pay for them as the entitlements stand today. We can not pay for it! The upside is that like it or not FINALLY some politicians are going to have to acknowledge this and try to address it. I know you are laughing thinking of all the ways politicians over the years have lightly stepped around this issue leaving it for the next guy, as more and more seniors begin drawing on the system. 

As a member of this special generation, the generation that is being robbed blind. Yes we are being robbed blind! The Federal Government has spent all the money that generations before us could ever earn, and with each new “Fantastic” program they are working on spending all of our money. They are taking from us not just our money, but they are taking our ability to start businesses, and our ability to graduate from college and find jobs, they are taking away from us the most important thing to any Liberty loving society- Freedom. Our government, in the name of “humanity”or being “green” or what ever other reason they can possibly think of are, bill by bill, stealing from us our freedom.

My generation is not graduating from college with high hopes, we are not our starting businesses as generations before us have. We as a generation, and as a country are on the path that only leads to one end- Tyranny. Soon we will not choose a college, or a career they will be chosen for us. And if your grades are not that great you will be sent to work with your hands and others will be chosen to go ahead of you. We are very quickly approaching this.


But wait- I was reminded of William Wilberforce today, and of William Wallace, of Patrick Henry, and all our Founding Fathers. You see they too were from doomed generations. All of these men lived under tyranny, and knew first hand the price of freedom.  As they were so are we, we are under tremendous pressure today as a generation, and we are not clear how things will play out, but we are confident of one thing- This country this blessed country OUR United States of America will not fall!

We are a strong and vibrant generation, a generation of leaders, and we will not give up, or give in. Just because many of us are still not old enough to vote do not think we are out of this fight, do not think we do not matter, do not think you can continue to steal from us without any recourse.

Most revolutions are spurred and driven forward by youth, and in today’s America there is a call going out, a call loud and clear for Generation Y to stand and take their place in History and in the very brief time we are given, to go and do something about it. It may seem a lost cause to some, but we see great opportunity. We will use wisdom as our guide, and history as our map, and we will prevail, we will overcome tyranny at last or we will lay down our lives in the effort. We may have to give all we have including our lives, but no price can be to great to pay in the name of Freedom.

Andrew Hemingway is a candidate for NH’s 2nd Congressional Distirct and is the chairman of the Bristol Municipal Budget Committee. Visit his website:



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