Join with NH citizens and fellow Americans from across the Nation to oppose the government takeover of our healthcare system.
There will be rallies at the offices of Rep. Carol Shea Porter, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, Rep. Paul Hodes and Sen Judd Gregg on Friday July 17th from 12pm-1pm to send the message that Government Run Healthcare is a losing proposition costing NH families more in taxes and reducing their freedom to seek the very best medical care. Details below…
It is hoped that this will be part of what will be a Nation-wide event featuring ordinary citizens telling their government to stay out of healthcare!
Because there is no "top-down" organization to this truly grass roots event, what happens is up to us, the people. The plan of action for this Friday July 17 as envisioned is to have a TEA Party at each local office beginning at Noon through 1:00 PM. The focus at the Congressional offices of Hodes and Shea-Porter should be on Health Care Reform a/k/a Obamacare a/k/a socialized medicine. At the Senate offices, in addition to the Health Care issue, thoughts on Cap and Trade energy tax should be made known.
The only other assignment is to simply make and bring a sign addressing the themes accordingly. ORGANIZED events thus far are as follows at NOON:
Shea Porter 33 Lowell St Manchester
Shaheen 1589 Elm St Manchester
Shea-Porter 104 Washington Street Dover
Shaheen 340 Central Ave. Suite 205 Dover
- Hodes 18 North Main Street, Suite 400 Concord
Here are the rest of the congressional and senate office locations. Even if you are just a single person– SOMEBODY needs to show up at noon and let our representatives know that we are not going to be the SILENT majority any longer:
Keene Office
29 Center Street, Keene, NH 03431Nashua Office
221 Main Street, Suite 201, Nashua NHBerlin Office
151 Main Street, Suite 2
Berlin, NH 03570SEN GREGG
60 Pleasant Street
Berlin, NH 03570Concord
125 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301Portsmouth
16 Pease Boulevard
Portsmouth, NH 03801SEN SHAHEEN
Claremont, NH
50 Opera House Sq.Claremont, NHNashua, NH
60 Main StreetNashua, NH