The Westerly-Pawcatuck Tea Party website states
In June of 1772, Rhode Island Patriots took a stand against an oppressive, unresponsive government and high taxation when they burned the British revenue ship the HMS Gaspee.
In that same spirit, tomorrow on June 10th, folks from all over the state of RI, many riding on a number of "Freedom Buses", will gather at the State House for a Gaspee Day Tea Party. The stated purpose of the event– following on one they held on April 15th– is to
Demand that our elected leaders:
Reduce spending by addressing pension and municipal reform
Grow our economy and create jobs by cutting high taxes
The rain or shine rally takes place from 4:00–6:00pm
Recognizing that the current state of affairs is due in no small part to citizen apathy, the Rhode Island activists have created a pledge… with a twist. Rather than asking that politicians pledge to do this that or the next thing, this one is for CITIZENS:
Lets tell our elected leaders we have taken the following pledge and we intend to carry through with it!
"I pledge that on Election Day, November 2, 2010, I will join my fellow Rhode Island Patriots in casting my vote AGAINST any candidate for membership in the Rhode Island General Assembly who, during the 2009 session of the General Assembly, votes for, or supports any increase of an existing statewide individual or corporate tax fee, fine, license fee or the imposition of a new tax of any kind for whatever purpose."
This is a GREAT idea. Perhaps it’s time to add a new pledge here in the Granite State?