MTNP Radio. Like Bike Week, you just have to…


Bike Week 09

Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

As usual, this week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and Now! brings an array of items and guests for your consideration– ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and analytical skills of Skip, if you are beyond the broadcast area of Newstalk 1490 WEMJ, simply click here for instructions on how to connect and listen on the Internet via livestream. (Podcasts here)


  • Ryan Bilodeau appeared on MTNP Radio several years ago to discuss events transpiring at URI. At the time, he was the chair of the College Republicans in that Rhode Island school. Fast forwarding two years to the present, Ryan has just graduated and sets off on a new path in life. In a very moving note delivered via Facebook (and reprinted here on the ‘Grok), Ryan told friends

I’m writing this message today in a medium that provides for the most amplification possible. My motivation also emanates from the joy resulting from the path down which I have begun to walk and the subsequent desire to share it.

Let me begin with a passage from the Bible that explains everything: "I will give you shepherds after my own heart." Words found first in Jeremiah 3:15 and echoed later by John Paul II in his encyclical letter "Pastores Dabo Vobis," they truly represent my pivoting from the political and earthly world in which I resided into the one I enter next: a spiritual one. This Fall I will be entering Our Lady of Providence Catholic Seminary.

We’ll discuss his motivation to pursue a vocation desperately in need of new members. With the local Catholic priests rotating out, and the merging of several parishes, it will be good to get this young man’s take on the future of the Church. Interestingly, down in RI, which iis where Ryan lives, the Churches are still quite full. Is it coincidence that that state is the lone New England hold out with regards to gay marriage?

  • And of course, ===============>> Your calls are encouraged at 603 527 1490.

It all starts at 9AM EST Saturday. Tune in if you’re in Central NH at NewsTalk 1490AM WEMJ or live on the ‘Net here… This is not your Poppy’s radio show. No "pretenders" here! Wink



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