It appears to me that Manchester Democrat Chris Pappas has taken to writing campaign materials for Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta as he sets out in his quest for the GOP nomination for the 1st Congressional District seat currently held by Carol Shea Porter. Is he on the campaign payroll? Should the FEC consider this a "gift" or "in-kind" donation? Said Pappas in a comment he left on a post at the lefty BlueHampshire blog:
And if people are interested how the voters of Manchester feel about his priorities, tune in or come by the public hearing on the budget Monday, May 4th at 6pm at Memorial High School. Guinta’s budget would lay off hundreds of city workers, including more than 200 teachers, and would sacrifice the quality of basic safety and city services. What kind of platform is this for a Congressional campaign?
Keeping in mind this is the statement of a long-time partisan adversary who only loves government when it is big and growing– and forgetting the fact that his assertions are wildly exagerated– what does this say about our would-be congressional representative’s frugality when it comes to representing us and spending our money while down in Washington? As we watch helplessly while our children’s future is mortgaged away for the benefit of the here and now, and anxiously await a chance to do something about it at the next election by voting for good candidates, Mayor Guinta has demonstrated he has the mettle to stand up to the big spenders, can actually advocate for the beleagured taxpayers, AND win elections as a Republican despite overwhelming public sentiment against the party brand.
Make no mistake about it, New Hampshire Democrat insiders– Kathy Sullivan, Ray Buckley and the rest– are worried about a Frank Guinta race with Carol Shea Porter because they know he is the real deal, and can win. The Democrat Party spent about $250k trying to beat the Mayor 2007 after having spent at least $150k in 2005. They even went as far as having Baines’ campaign manager who was living with Kathy Sullivan steal his signs (the cops showed up at Kathy Sullivan’s house to retrieve them.) The Mayor just keeps winning though. He is winning in a city that is predominantly Democrat. He is winning in heavily Democrat years.
So now a poll comes out. A poll that shows Carol vulnerable. That poll comes out after Carol has a horrible fund raising quarter. The Dems are scared. They are scared because Frank’s message works. It works because he governs by keeping the promises of low taxes and spending that he campaigns on. Why else would the Democrats even be paying attention to the Mayor 18 months before an election? A little advice for Chairman Buckley: You might tone down your cock-sure statements reeking with that air of invincibilty while commenting on the blogs. Otherwise, you might look pretty silly in less than two years from now. You certainly may have been doing, as you say, your "best to elect NH Democrats since 1968 and getting better at it every year," but all things must pass, and so shall you. And your ilk…