Both Way Bud


Both Way Bud

Which Bud?

While I know that the District 3 senate race is important to the people that live there, it should be of great interest to everyone beyond too, as the Democratic candidate is representative of many of his fellow party comrades– the ruling majority here in the Granite State. Like all liberals, Willard "Bathroom Bud" Martin portrays himself as a smooth-talking, all caring person that is as open-minded and pure as the wind driven snow… and fiscally conservative to boot. Of course, once you scratch beneath the exterior veneer, a completely different picture presents itself. As we all know, the Democrats offering "change" rode to power in the anti-Bush backlash that began in 2006 and continued in the ’08 cycle. It all sounded oh-so-good at the time.

What happened was while Joe and Jane Sixpack thought they were voting for their grandfather’s Democrats, they got Pelosi-clones instead. Because people didn’t really know the true nature of who they were voting for, instead of "change you can believe in" we got change that leaves us shaking our heads in disgust. From gay marriage to genderless bathrooms, mandatory seat belt laws and the repeal of the death penalty for cop killers, the agenda put forth by Democrats here in New Hampshire resembles nothing that they said or claimed during campaign time. You see, all liberals know that if they actually campaigned on what they truly believed, they would never stand a prayer of winning elections.

And so it is for Bathroom Bud Martin– a Democratic candidate straight from central casting. "Oh no," they’ll say…"He’s no liberal. He’s just a great guy that’s ‘all about community.’" Just ask him… But don’t ask him about any real issues because, well, he either won’t answer, or, if he does, there’s no real way of knowing whether or not he’s actually telling the truth. The latest evidence comes from our pal Patrick reporting at Now!Hampshire:

Joe Elcock, the embattled campaign manager for Senate District 3 candidate “Bud” Martin seemed unaware this morning that his candidate takes two decidedly different positions on gay marriage and the death penalty in today’s editions of the Conway Daily Sun and Foster’s Daily Democrat.

“I haven’t seen Foster’s yet, so I will have to get back to you,” Elcock said in a rare, exclusive and short interview with

“Still nothing from Martin on death penalty, gay marriage, transsexual rights,” reads the headline in today’s Conway Daily Sun, the local paper in the contested Senate district.

Mike Brunelle, the Democratic Party’s executive director defended Martin’s silence on key issues to the Daily Sun saying, “Bud is going to ensure he listens to his constituents. And that all will be decided down the line.”

Martin has also refused to take positions on these two issues on WMUR News 9. He has twice been given the opportunity to articulate his positions and both times he has argued that it would be “presumptuous” for him to take a side.

Nevertheless, Martin is quoted in this morning’s Foster’s Daily Democrat supporting gay marriage and opposing the death penalty.

On gay marriage, Martin told the Foster’s editorial board, “I support it, and I do because my experience tells me that it is important to our fabric as a community.”

He also told Foster’s he opposes the death penalty and has since high school, drawing into question his sincerity when he told WMUR that he has no position and would not want to be “presumptuous” by taking one.

The New Hampshire House of Representatives recently passed measures to legalize gay marriage and eliminate the death penalty. Martin would likely have to vote on these two measures within his first few days should he win the special election on April 21st.

Hmm. If Bud happens to beat the Republican Jeb Bradley, which one do you suppose will take the seat in Concord– the moderate "listener" that will carefully weigh the issues at hand and consider all sides– or the flaming lib that protects bathroom perverts and seeks to spend on anything people need, taxpayers be damned? My money’s on the latter.

Even though the race is stacked with two Buds to only one Jeb, I still think that in the end, voters, having had the time to ponder what the Dems have wrought, will select the candidate that offers traditional values and only one answer to the important questions… 




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