What are the Dems so afraid of when it comes to their candidate’s “long and respected” record?



Boy, it doesn’t take much to get Granite State Democratic undies in a bundle lately. The party of Kathy Sullivan, Billy Shaheen and Ray Buckley reveals once again that, while they can dish mud like nobody else, their skin is as thin as rice paper.

Reacting to stories I posted about NH Senate District 3 Democratic candidate Willard "Bathroom Bud" Martin yesterday here on the ‘Grok and at Now!Hampshire.com, the NHDP released a statement that neither answers the facts as presented, nor makes the case as to why their candidate is worthy of a seat in our Senate. Instead of engaging in a debate over issues that clearly have relevance to what is happening in Concord as the majority party continues to turn New Hampshire values and traditions on their head, they decry the fact (via today’s Union Leader) that some people are willing to hold a candidate standing for elective office accountable for past actions while "serving" the public. We’re talking about a Judge that showed little sympathy to victims of cases involving sex crimes,  personal privacy issues, and BATHROOMS. With such legislation like the "pervert protection act", also known at the "Bathroom Bill" kicking around down in Concord these days, can we risk electing a man such as Martin to the Senate?

It has been said that (thankfully) the Senate isn’t packed with quite as many left-winged loons as our House, thus posing at least something of an obstacle to some of the crazy ideas that happen to make it through one hoop of the legislative process. When one studies the more recent record of Mr. Martin, one finds he has made it his mission to advocate for leniency and alternative means of punishment (if any) for offenders– other than jail, willing to spend any amount of other people’s money to do so. Against the backdrop of the present fiscal times, we don’t need someone with a liberal track record like his adding to the mess…

A NHDP press release said that Martin’s GOP opponent

"Jeb Bradley and the Republican Party have stooped to a new low. It is sad that they prefer personal attacks to an exchange of ideas."

EXCUSE ME?! Who’s attacking who? All I did was point out several instances of what I see as Mr. Martin’s liberalism on display as found in the public record. Jeb Bradley and the Republicans had NOTHING to do with what I put out there. Bud Martin’s a flaming liberal. I know some facts that prove it, and I intend to inform as many people as a I can about it. What’s wrong with that? Someone ought to remind these guys that it’s politics… it ain’t beanbag!

Bud Martin

Judge "Bud" Martin with fellow nasty-boy Billy Shaheen. Dishin’ it out, but not takin’ it…



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