I got this from our friends at the CNHT. I used to think that George Roberts of Gilmanton was the worst Town moderator ever (He botched up the ballots at a vote so bad one year– the year that the Town of Gilmanton appeared to have passed SB2– that the vote total could never be determined, and instead, SB2 lost by default) until I watched these three videos. This guy in Atkinson really takes the cake.
And shame on all those drones in the room who supported this guy as he sought to prevent a citizen from taking his picture during the meeting. It’s people like that that have allowed tyrants and despots to rule with reckless abandon throughout history. How could those people agree with the notion that an elected official– during an OFFICIAL meeting– can prevent a citizen from snapping a picture, all the while allowing the news media to do so?
Can you believe this guy? How do you suppose he intended to deal with the pictures in the man’s camera? You can almost see the Brownshirts if you squint your eyes. And to throw a citizen of a town out of the Annual Meeting for taking a picture of the Moderator– with public access video cameras rolling and newsmedia cameras clicking, well, the Sadam Husseins and the Adolf Hitlers of the world would be proud. Can you believe that such an action could take place here in New Hampshire? It just goes to show that one must be ever vigilant in defense of liberty and freedom, as there are those who threaten them at ALL levels of governments- big, AND small.