Jihad has arrived in New Hampshire: “From the river to the sea…”

by Steve MacDonald

pro Hamas rally

January 10, 2009. Elm Street- Manchester, NH. Teaching the community about their religion?

The Union Leader published a story this week about the progress of the mosque construction in Manchester, in which one of its supporters says,

"For us, it’s a place where we can gather together to teach our kids about our religion and teach the community about our religion,"

I thought it would be good to remind readers of two posts here on the ‘Grok regarding this subject from several years back, one noting "There’s always a mosque," in which author and expert Michael Ledeen wrote

Look at the 9/11 terrorists, look at the killer of Daniel Pearl, and you will find well-off, educated men who became radicalized in a mosque. And I’ll bet you a good-sized farm that if we ever get to the bottom of 9/11 we’ll discover that mosques were central in maintaining contact with and discipline over the terrorists.

So mosques can be very dangerous places when the local imam preaches jihadism, as is done in the thousands of Saudi-sponsored Wahhabi mosques all over the world, including the United States.

And the other stating the case as to why we should be wary of the spread of Islam and its attendant mosques in the light of the September 11 attacks:

Time after time, each occurrence of successful or thwarted terror strikes here in the West have had a common ingredient: a mosque or Islamic “center” with radicalized members being “mentored” by “imams” and other so-called “holy” men. Knowing this, why would we want something like this here in NH? It is no secret that, at such places, dangerous and hate-filled propaganda is often repeated and disseminated by radical speakers and “preachers” during religious “services.” Additionally, we’ve all heard the numerous stories noting that many mosques and shrines have been used throughout the Moslem world as ammo dumps and hideouts for murderous thugs. 

The enemy in the new world war that we find ourselves fighting is based upon the spread of a radical fascist ideology, much like Nazism- only worse. The Germans found their wellspring of support generated from hyper-nationalism and racism, fueled by a charismatic leader. Today’s enemy, the so-called “Islamo- fascists,” have added another extremely potent feature to the totalitarian mix: religious fervor. Now, I am not saying that all Muslims are terrorists, but I can make a case that most terrorists are Muslims.

Until we come up with foolproof methods of detection and eradication of the lethal threat to our country, I think it’s best to take extra-ordinary precautions. Each new mosque built in America represents a potential enemy outpost and launching pad for new attacks.

Not to mention that, unfortunately, a population of non-terrorist, peaceful persons in significant numbers  provides great cover for the would-be bad guys– especially if those who might have an inkling of untoward activities look the other way– or are too busy bagging on the Jews to take notice.

The twin story to the rise of the Granite State’s first permanent mosque is the advent of pro-Hamas, anti-Israel rallies on the streets of New Hampshire– one such event is depicted in the photo at the top of this post. Such activities have finally caught the attention of Granite Staters, some of whom having decided to push back, some, as individuals, and others, in the form of a group, like our friends, the Granite State Patriots. How can it be that ANY rational person could condone the continued terrorist and rocket attacks against the innocent civilian people in Israel?

In a recent email following last weekend’s antiwar rally and the counter-demonstration put on by patriotic Americans, one of the peaceniks asked Patriot leader Jack Kimball,

Do you categorize those who are opposed to the war(s)* as pro-terrorist? Those who are opposed to the Israel/Palestine conflict are pro-Hamas? This is a false dichotomy ie, more than two positions exist.

Really? Let’s consider a January 10th rally that occured in front of Jeanne Shaheen’s US Senate office on Elm Street in Manchester as recounted by a city resident who also provided all the pictures used in this posting.

pro Hamas rally

What IS their position, then, if not pro-Hamas, anti Israel?

If these people are for something else than the destruction and elimination of Israel as we know it, than please, clue me in. That this anti-Israel hatred has been brought into this country by these people– some of whom are "refugees" of such hatred in their land of origin– is nothing short of criminal. They are planting the seeds of future unrest right here on the streets of New Hampshire. The question is this– what will the addition of a permanent mosque do to the present situation?

Here’s the story:

Here we go again,
I was eating pizza in my family room when I looked out the window and I saw what looked like Muslim walk by my house with a Palestinian scarf around his neck. I was stunned. So was he, he stopped and stared at my house. Why, because I had the Israeli flag flying proudly from the front of my house. I fly this flag whenever there is a skirmish in Israel.
He took two steps and stopped and looked incredulously at my house, took two steps and did did it again. I ran to my front door to give him the same look but by then, he was out of my view. I immediately took two steps down from my front porch and fell flat on my face into a snow bank as my pizza scattered about on my frozen front yard.
I guess you could say I was a little flustered!
I then noticed my street was packed with cars with left leaning bumper stickers on them and I knew right away that there was a pro-Hamas rally on Elm St. in front of Sen. Jeanne Shaheens office. I brushed myself off and walked to my front gate and saw three more Arabs getting out of a van and I determined so show that I would not be intimidated. With stunned shock, they saw my flag but kept their eyes straight ahead after that.
Good, no confrontation…yet.
I grabbed my Israeli flag and ran into the house, bundled up and headed towards Elm st.
I was two houses away when I saw another Arab in garb parking his car and he was laughing at me with my flag as I was laughing at him in his Arafat scarf. I waited for him to get out of his car to introduce myself to him.
He showed me a Muslim flag and said it would fly over this country soon and dominate it one day. I said that he was reading the wrong blogs and that I would stand across the street and be a counter demonstrator. He asked if I was a Zionist so I feigned "I don’t know, what is a Zionist?" He said it was anybody who supported a Jewish state so I said that even though I was not Jewish, I must be a Zionist. I told him that I hoped we could have a peaceful demonstration and offered to shake his hand, he (a Bosnian) said if I was Jewish, he would shake my hand but since I was a ‘Zionist’ he refused to shake my hand.
What could I do but laugh?
When I got to Elm St. there were over two dozen ‘demonstrators’ with PLO flags and signs with a variety of anti-Israeli statements. They were all on the sidewalk so I walked up to the edge of the snow bank  with my Star of David and said "hello."
We immediately engaged in conversation, mostly calm, but some of them were agitated at the sight of the flag. One guy wanted to buy it so he could burn it. I said "wait a minute, he wont even shake my hand but you want to do business with me?" I made the case for a Jewish state and they made a counter claim. They said that Abraham was a Muslim. I said that Islam started in the sixth century so this was impossible. They said I know nothing of the Koran. I asked them how many times Al Quds (Arabic word for Jerusalem) was mentioned in the Koran and they said many times, I to them the real answer was zero but in the Hebrew books, Jerusalem is mentioned hundreds of times so there is historical precedent for Israel being a Jewish land.
Then, an older gentlemen came over and told them that they we no longer allowed to talk to me. About that time, a police officer stopped by and told me to get out of the road so I crossed the street and was the lone counter demonstrator on top of my snow bank with my Israeli flag flying in the breeze.

freedom protester

It was rewarding to hear the horns honking as they gave me a thumbs up while the other guys got booed.
A lady named Fatima Deek who portrays herself as a moderate in Manchester was there and leading the chant "from the river to the sea." What that means is they want all the Jews driven out of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. That is nothing short of a call for genocide.

Fatima Deek

A "moderate" Muslim? October 5, 2003: "She said she yearns for peace." January 10, 2009: "From the river to the sea!"

I think they would have been rather bored had I not shown up as I seemed to warm their cackles. Once their blood got flowing, they got even more brutal in their chanting. There were women, children and young men from Bosnia, Somolia and probably Boston. They ware also screaming in Arabic but he only word I understood was Yahud (Jew). They sure seemed to get a kick out of that vitriol. I just stood there like a rock and smiled. I especially got a enjoyed the Somali Muslim who was holding his protest sign upside down.


pro hamas rally

Later on, a dozen of them, led by Fatima went upstairs into Shaheen’s office, most likely to intimidate her. It was not long after that when the police arrived.
Jihad has arrived to New Hampshire.


All one has to do is pay attention to what’s happening right in front of our very eyes, and, follow the money… and names. Stay tuned for more…


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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