The gig is up… Will Strafford County be able to do what Belknap County could not?


empty wallet

In what is an interesting rerun of events already taking place here in Belknap County, is reporting that the Strafford County Commissioners are proposing cuts of funding for most of the so-called "outside agencies" it presently supports. The county

will cease funding several programs it has provided partial funding to for several years, including the Strafford County Cooperative Extension, Cocheco Valley Humane Society and Soil Conservation District.

Maglaras said the county still would provide these programs with space in the county complex for free. He added that funding from the county only represented a small percentage of these programs’ operating budgets.


Funding also has been cut to all contracted social service agencies, including Strafford County Community Action, Avis Goodwin Community Health Center, Southeastern New Hampshire Services Corporation, Strafford County Meals on Wheels, Great Bay Services, Strafford County Child Care Association, A Safe Place, Seacoast Hospice, Community Partners, Your VNA Hospice, Dover Adult Learning Center of Strafford County and Homemakers Health Services.

Of course, this is exactly what the Belknap County Commissioners originally proposed when first unveiling their budget a couple months back– prior to completely caving in the face of a withering mob scene of those monetarily connected to the local agencies affected. And the rationale is the same, too– and rightfully so. Again from the Foster’s article, County Commission Chair George Maglaras put it thus:

"We shrunk county operations to the core services the county is required to fund by statute."

One wonders why it took a severe fiscal crisis to wake up those who’ve been growing government beyond its mandate for so long… Better late than never. Apparently, we can assume that the crisis is even worse in Strafford than here in Belknap, because, in addition to the proposed cuts, the Foster’s piece also reports– GASP– that the county laid off 20 workers Friday, and will pass on filling another 20 vacancies. Imagine that– government actually REDUCING the number of employees! You know that things must really be tight for them to do that. Perhaps the state can take a lesson from Strafford County? Can the cuts hold? They didn’t here in Belknap (thanks to spineless Republicans). Perhaps Strafford County’s leaders will have the strength to lead in tough times? This will be interesting. Stay tuned…




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