This is a Youtube I made over a year ago when Hillary Clinton was still in the hunt for the presidency. While she was dispatched with by Democrats voting in the primary, it’s all but given she will be named Secretary of State tomorrow by President-elect Obama. Little did I know at the time I made the vid that should she NOT win the presidency, she would still, as Bill Clinton points out, end up being "the face of America…
After watching the video, how can you NOT get the feeling that Bill Clinton comes off as some washed-up, two-bit lounge act? As things are working out, while certainly having Barack and his band of merry socialists running the country should be cause for great concern, one happy by-product might be all the juicy sidebar stories that will no doubt keep many of us amused and writing as this gang of misfits, backstabbers, and has-beens takes center stage.
Does anybody think for a minute that, despite the supposed "deal" made to keep Bill Clinton in check as his wife serves the new president, he will be able to contain himself? And what WAS Bill up to, anyway, while Hillary was away on those 80 or so trips? Poor Bill– hopefully he’ll be able to keep himself occupied while Hillary’s away travelling the world…
Oh, and one last thing… If Hillary’s the "face" of America, what does that make Bill? (Feel free to offer, ahem, suggestions in the "comment" section)