Our friend Ed Mosca who, from time to time, has posted up his thoughts and ideas here at GraniteGrok has opened up his own digs over at EdMosca.com. Stroll on over and give him a read – we certainly will be and will be adding him to our blogroll soon.
In the meantime, like many others, he has his own ideas of how to right what is ailing the Grand Old Party here in NH (pssst – Ed, it’s not just here in NH too -Skip)
Next week, Republican House members will choose their leader for the next two years. In January, the Republican State Committee will pick its Chairman. The choices for these positions will play a large part in determining whether the state GOP can rebound from two consecutive losing elections. (Note: Republican State Senators have already chosen their leader, replacing Ted Gatsas with Peter Bragdon.) If the state GOP wants to turn New Hampshire back into a red state, then it should employ the following criteria to fill these positions.
First, the state GOP needs leaders who understand that there is a problem with the state GOP. Stated somewhat differently, anyone who believes that 2006 and 2008 were anomalous aberrations, the former on account of the Iraq war and the latter due to the economic tsunami that struck Wall Street, and that consequently Republicans do not need to make any major changes, is the wrong choice.
Moreover, Republicans failed to deliver. Their education funding plan was struck down by the Supreme Court, which left voters with the impression that Republicans could not solve problems. Worse, they diminished themselves. The marriage commission was conducted like it was part Jerry Springer show, part medieval inquisition, while its chairman regularly unleashed Captain Queeg type outbursts against Governor Lynch, dissenting members and skeptical press.
Anyone who fails to understand that the problem that Republicans have is that they have made themselves irrelevant to the voters is the wrong choice to lead the state GOP.
Go read the whole thing.