Just as I was about to set up a post built around the Obama-voter "man on the street" interview video going viral on the ‘Net, our friend Jane Aitken sent this note saving me the trouble of writing my thoughts, as hers mirrored mine:
How many of you think Obama was elected because of knowledge of his abilities or past accomplishments?
This video should disabuse you of that notion and amaze even the most thirsty of the KoolAid drinkers. It is proof positive of what we have been saying about the media all along — the fix was in from the start — and the propaganda did its job.
It is absolutely UNBELIEVABLE how these Obama supporters in the above video attributed to Palin or McCain most of the things OBAMA really said and did! Not ONCE did they guess Obama had said or done things that were mentioned. This can only happen as a result of BLATANT MEDIA BIAS from charlatans like Maher, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, NPR and CNN.
ABC even went so far as to EDIT an interview to purposely make Palin look bad. The full transcript of that interview was very revealing.
Click here to read about the Zogby survey in depth. The pollsters made sure that all participants were at least high school grads as well as the fact that 55% were also college graduates.
People thought it was Palin who said there were 57 states when it was really Obama. Why is this? The fact that Palin had a pregnant daughter and the RNC bought her some clothes which she never went shopping for herself, were among the only few issues they could dredge up to try to discredit her, and hammered away at, falsely subjecting her to ridicule she did not deserve.
Statements made on SNL were attributed to Palin when she never said them herself. She was so hammered upon that most serious facts on Obama were not explored, while facts that demonstrated the more accomplished Palin’s governorship, for example, were ignored.
Meanwhile, most Obama supporters polled had NO idea of the facts surrounding his egregious past. This pollster blames the biased press coverage. People who voted Obama did not only not know which party had the majority in Congress (with only a 14% approval rating) or who was the current speaker of the house, they were totally unaware of his connections to unrepentant Weatherman terrorist William Ayers.
Mr. Ziegler (the man who commisioned the poll and created the documentary) was on TV last night and he described the coverage that the network and some cable press (MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC) gave Obama as "scandalous" and "media malpractice" because of the lack of coverage or misleading coverage.
I’m sure no Democrat has ever had a pregnant daughter right? Or that the Democrat party never spent money on their candidates? Palin is now being called a ‘shopaholic’ on the hate blogs (Huff, Kos, etc) when she never set foot in that store. Her only shopping spree was to Walmart to get diapers for Trig.
And how about Obama having spent $650M to get elected, the most ever spent, in a presidential campaign to date? Nothing is ever made of that…while Obama’s aunt and brother languish in poverty on welfare in Boston or in a mud hut in Kenya? What a sick joke.
And we haven’t yet touched upon the brainwashing that went on up and down the food chain throughout our educational system.
Joseph Goebbels would have been proud…