Joe Biden makes a point to local Democrats during a primary campaign stop (GG file photo)
Click here to view one of the best interviews with any Democrat in memory(other than on Fox News). Reporter Barbara West has done for the traditional media what Joe the plumber did for the ordinary citizen: show the right way to be responsible and discerning in the approach to those who would be our leaders.
When watching Senator Biden, you can just feel the seething anger building up as he endures pointed questions from someone who "dares" stray from the media template.
Our hats go off to Ms. West and we can only hope that more of her peers in the journalism world will follow her lead. Just imagine if all politicians of all stripes were subjected to such honest scrutiny, instead of the lop-sidedness we find instead…
A tip of the hat to Michelle Malkin for the heads up on this fantastic story, who further reports that
The increasingly erratic, super-gaffetastic Biden was so upset that the campaign canceled an interview West’s station had scheduled with his wife, Jill.
[UPDATE: I just went to the WFTV site – the video has either been yanked or taken down….try here at YouTube! -Skip]