McCain: “We’re going to achieve energy independence, and we’re going to do it by using every resource at our disposal…”

Seabrook.oil platform

The following remarks were made by John McCain on an oil rig platform in the Gulf of Mexico Tuesday, August 19, 2008: 

Americans across our country are hurting because of the cost of energy.  Gas prices are through the roof.  Energy costs have seeped into our grocery bills, making it more expensive to feed our families.  And now, as people prepare for the winter, they are going to be hit with higher costs for home heating oil.  It is time for America to get serious about energy independence, and that means we need to start drilling offshore at advanced oil rigs like this.

Two decades ago, this rig would not have been possible.  But since then, technology has enabled us to drill further offshore with even greater efficiency and environmental safety.  

Senator Obama opposes new drilling.  He has said it will not "solve our problem" and that "it’s not real."  He’s wrong, and the American people know it.  This platform we are at today sits above a field of 160 million barrels of oil, and is capable of producing on a daily basis 55,000 barrels of oil and 72 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Our nation is sending $700 billion overseas every year to countries that don’t like us very much.  When I’m president that’s going to stop.  We’re going to achieve energy independence, and we’re going to do it by using every resource at our disposal to get the job done, including new off shore drilling. 

New drilling has to be part of our energy solution.  It will not solve this problem alone.  Alternative energy will not solve this problem alone.  Conservation will not solve this problem alone.  Solving our energy crisis requires an "all of the above" approach.  It will require aggressive development of alternative energies like wind, solar, tidal and bio-fuels.  It also requires expanding traditional sources of energy like clean coal, nuclear power, and off shore drilling like that done on this rig.



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