Vietnam War Memorial Vandalized


Here’s a very disturbing story from the Washington AP:

Click here to read about the Vietnam War Memorial being vandalized.

A suggestion for the cops would be to find out where Cindy Sheehan, people and the peaceniks were when our sacred war memorial was vandalized. The cops may also want to find out where Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and other democrats and their friends were when this happened. How long are we going to tolerate traitors and treasonists here in the US?

This is completely outrageous and true Americans should be absolutely appalled by this, no doubt, domestic act of continuing to spit on and dishonor our Vietnam veterans.

What the hell is wrong with people that they would deface a sacred war memorial to attempt to make a political statement? Our freedom here in the U.S. has been bought with the blood and sacrifice of our Armed Forces who have served in Vietnam and every war before and since.  

This disturbs me on every level of my being. Thank God our veterans protected The Wall previously when peaceniks made it clear back in March that they intended to throw red paint on our Vietnam Wall.

Perhaps it’s time that our war memorials have 24/7/365 protection from these disgraceful excuses for human beings who perpetrated this crime against humanity who have obviously lost their souls somewhere along the way…

Our democrats should view this as a wake-up call as to what they’re encouraging and perpetuating here in the United States of America! Oh yeah, these gutless dems can’t even do the right thing in denouncing the ad placed in the NY Times dishonoring Gen. Petraeus since provides them with the most money for their campaigns. How many times do I have to keep saying: WAKE UP AMERICA before it’s too late and we’re living under a terrorist regime! Snap out of your denial and stop supporting political parties and causes that will eventually cost you and everyone in the USA their freedom!

Especially here in NH, get Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes out of office before they can support more hatred against our troops and hatred against the United States of America! Vote for anyone other than a democrat in the next election unless you want your new leader to be an islamofacist! 






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