Just a quick note to preview today’s program…
Among the guests and topics will be:
- Stella Scamman- candidate for NHGOP National Committeeperson
- American Solutions is upon us. We’ll bring the scoop
- Allison Scamman- filling us in on the Families United visit last week to the White House with President Bush
- Dave Testerman– candidate for Ward 2 City Council in Franklin NH– he’ll also preview the Huckabee house party Saturday evening in Franklin
- "I’m a Health Care Voter"— Really?
Senator John McCain checks in with the gang to talk about his recent rise in fortune, etc.
It all starts at 11AM on 1490 WEMJ here in the Lakes Region, or, if you’re "out there" someplace– click here and you can tune in via livestream. Check back for more details