Horror in NH: Moonbats in the Majority- the movie. - Granite Grok

Horror in NH: Moonbats in the Majority- the movie.

Be afraid New Hampshire. Be very afraid! They’ve only just begun. Click the arrow to watch the latest ‘Grok VLog…



Surely this is not your grandfather’s New Hampshire. I firmly believe that if more regular folks– those who voted Democrat becaused they were mad at the Republicans– knew what was actually going on at the ground level of that party, and thought about the fundamental changes taking place in the Granite State as a result, would have voted differently. Unfortunately, the GOP gave little reason for voters to choose them. So far, I don’t see much changing in that regard. [UPDATE]: Our friend Pat Hynes at AnkleBitingPundits.com has an interesting analysis on the state of our state and the opportunities the GOP might have to undo the destruction wrought by the Dems. I hope he’s right. Click here.