Ve vill take zee bird… Shnell!

by Doug
I haven’t seen this story anywhere but in my actual real paper copy of the Citizen (Laconia, NH) newspaper:
Government agents have served notice on a Camden [ME] restaurant that the stuffed bird that adorned its upstairs dining room for more than 20 years is illegal.
The US Fish and Wildlife agents, unshaven and clad in camouflage pants and plaid shirts, arrived Thursday at Cappy’s Chowder House to confiscate the 150-year-old greater black backed gull…
The story notes that this particular species of bird is illegal to possess, and has been since 1918 under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. "But Doug, it’s a hundred and fifty years old!" That may be so, but the AP story informs us that there is no exception in the law for birds aquired prior to its passage.
Can you imagine… federal agents storming a restaurant named Cappy’s Chowder House in some hick town in Maine? To seize a stuffed bird?! It seems to me that more than one of our Founding Fathers must be spinnin’ in their graves over this one!
If only they would be so serious at finding illegal aliens and potential Islamic terror sleeper cells. But no, instead the government agents round up antique stuffed birds.
Open zee door now… or vee vill keek eet in! Vee are from zee guberment. Shnell. Vat… You tink you vere een Amerika? Foolz!


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