Eric at ran a contest a couple of days ago asking readers to
state, in 100 words or less, why you should vote Republican in 2006.
The winner was Liz Mair of who really nailed it:
I will vote Republican in 2006 because:
I want a prosperous America, where the poorest can achieve wealth, if allowed to save instead of pay high taxes, while benefiting from low unemployment and limited regulation.
I want a freer America, where my rights– to own a gun, to determine my own healthcare arrangements– are not infringed in the pursuit of an abstract common good.
I want a strong America– one that does not cower when threatened by its enemies, which defends its interests, and exists as a beacon of hope to all who wish to be free.
I would add two more reasons to her list: Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Rangel. Be afraid. Very afraid!