The midterm congressional and state office campaigns are now in the final push to election day. The airwaves are filled with ads- "I’m candidate Joe Inyoorface and I approved this message." This time is alway inevitabley accompanied by the traditional calls of unfairness and accusations of mudslinging from all quarters.
Here in NH, the Dems are in high dudgeon over nearly everything the GOP and their supporters do. Whether it’s signs or ads, nothing to them is fair. There are calls to have someone step in and force campaigns to remove signs- how dare someone accuse our Governor DoNuthin’ of supporting broadbased taxes- just read his lips-"no taxes"- honest! Sure- till the state’s Supreme Court takes over our education funding system next year– then, well, hey, you know- he’ll have been "forced" to enact a tax. Sure, Governor, the Supremes "made you do it."
Of course, while the Dems cry foul about what the GOP is doing, anything that they themselves do is noble and just about "setting the record straight." Sure they are. Consider Charlie Bass. As I noted in this previous posting, I have long waited for the day when he departs the seat, replaced by a more traditional conservative Republican. Not that I don’t think Charlie’s a good guy, mind you, it’s just that he’s often times too liberal for my liking. (the time to do this is in the primary, not the general election) Given that sentiment, I think I am correct in stating that Bass is certainly no Bush-rumpswab. Not so, say the liberal supporters of his opponent. According to Liz Mair over at, a new campaign ad being run on YouTube
links Bass to Tom DeLay runs the risk of giving independent and values voters the message, in a roundabout way, that Charlie Bass is a corrupt, toe-the-line Republican politician who should be voted out posthaste.
As Liz notes,
To intimate that a Congressman reputed for his accountability, honesty and good character is in bed with the likes of Jack Abramoff is absolutely shameful.
The good news is that any thinking person here in the Granite State knows the truth about Charlie Bass. He may be flawed, as all humans are, but dishonest and corrupt? No way.