If the Dems win… a look to the future.

The taxpayer watchdog group Americans for Tax Reform has issued the following press release. While they may not openly trumpet their real plan for America, Democratic party leaders do give clues from time to time. Discerning their actual agenda should they win in the November elections reminds me of the days of "Kremlin watchers" trying to get a read on what the commies were really up to…

Rangel: Tax Increases on the Table if Democrats Win
Possible tax increases on the horizon

Washington, DC- Congress Daily reported today that the Democratic Party’s ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Rangel (D) of New York, all but guaranteed tax increases in the Democratic agenda if they take back the house in November. When approached about whether tax increases across the income spectrum would be considered, Rep. Rangel responded, "No question about it."
Rangel worries about balancing the budget but his only solution involves tax increases? In August, ATR released its annual Cost of Government Day (COGD) report. The report found federal government spending at near historic levels. “Increasing the taxes on the American taxpayer will not balance the budget but only give spend-crazed politicians like Charlie Rangel more money to spend,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.
Conservatives made progress today in the fight against wasteful spending with the President’s signing of new legislation that will create a new online database detailing all federal government grants and contracts. Citizens will be able to use this database  and its Google-like search function to hold their politicians accountable for overall government spending.
“Tax increases are always a negative influence on the economy.  Rep. Rangel should stop focusing on the easy way out, which always includes tax increases and shifting even more of the burden to the American taxpayer,” continued Mr. Norquist.
Americans for Tax Reform is a non-partisan coalition of taxpayers and taxpayer groups who oppose any and all federal and state tax increases. 


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