Money Pit?

by KenG

The ending paragraph of a WSJ editorial ("Tunnel to Nowhere," 3 Aug) on the Big Dig:

When the Big Dig tunnels were finally completed, Gov. Romney suggested naming one of the arteries the "Liberty Tunnel" to pay tribute to the soldiers fighting for freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Legislature protested and demanded that the project be called the Tip O’Neill Tunnel instead. Thankfully, they prevailed. Some 20 years after the earth began to move on this project, the Boston Big Dig conjures up many images, but, alas, liberty and freedom are assuredly not among them.

The author, Stephen Moore, refrains from speaking ill of the dead, but I’ll complete the thought:  Naming this wasteful mess after a politician makes perfect sense.  The Big Dig certainly does conjure up the image of the Democrat-majority House under the leadership of Tip O’Neill (elected Majority Leader in 1973, then Speaker from 1977-1987). 

Unfortunately, the Republican-controlled House seems all too eager to follow those well-worn footsteps.

(link to original article on OpinionJournal)


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