This is the Religion of Peace?

by Skip

The MSM (Main Stream Media) keeps harping that Islam is harmless, that most Muslims are not terrorists. While I agree that most are not, there are sufficient numbers to make it far more than troubling. Doug has been posting a few things about it, so I figured I’d chip in here a bit more. When I read about this from that failed state of Somalia where the Islamofascists have taken over, I thought that others might want to see it:

ISLAMISTS vowed to execute Muslims who skip prayers as they tightened their religious grip on the Somali capital Mogadishu and again Thursday rejected government calls for foreign peacekeepers.

Under an edict issued by a leading Mogadishu cleric, the five-times daily prayer required by the Koran will be enforced under penalty of death, a move that appears to confirm the hardline nature of the city’s Sharia courts.

"He who does not perform prayers will be considered as infidel and Sharia law orders that that person be killed," said Sheikh Abdalla Ali, a founder and high-ranking official in the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS).

At the opening of a new Islamic court in a southern Mogadishu neighborhood late on Wednesday, he added that it was the duty of every Somali to implement the provisions of Sharia law.

One HAS to notice it – threatening death.  Notice that this sheikh did not say every Muslim, he said every Somali.  There is no room for compromise there.  Two men have already been shot for watching the World Cup matches after it had been ruled unIslamic to watch it.  Can you imagine your local Pastor, Priest, or Rabbi doing this?

Now for you who might be thinking "well, this is just for them….that cannot happen here! ", I would not be so quick on the draw.  From the Lansing State Journal comes this Letter of the day.  The back story is that the Letter writer is responding to a previous letter of June 26 (Google has it, otherwise you pay LSJ for access) here:

Since 9/11, many Muslims have written letters to the editor saying Islam is a peace-loving faith and its followers are generally good people. I concur with this point of view, as nearly every believer in Muhammad who I have met is a fine individual.

So why are Muslims held in suspicion by many in America? The answer might be found in the recent case of Abdul Rahman.

Rahman was the Afghan who faced death for converting to Christianity. To save his life, the man was spirited out of Afghanistan to Italy, where he secretly lives today in asylum.

Since this situation occurred, I have waited for someone of the Muslim faith to express in this forum revulsion over the affair. Unless I missed the letter, such sentiments have not been published here.

I believe this silence leads many Americans to wonder if Muslims agree with the prosecution of Rahman.

Le Roy Barnett
Grand Ledge

 This is referring to the uproar when a while ago, an Afghanistan man was about to be killed because he had converted to Christianity.  I agree with Mr. Barnett – where were the words of moderation on this or practically most violent acts committed by Muslims?  Sad to say, there has been very little of it.  I am beginning to believe that such words are not forthcoming after I read that Letter that sparked this posting (LSJ, 7/5).  Please note that Lansing, MI is home to one of the largest Islamic conclaves in the country:

I read Le Roy Barnett’s letter ("Muslims, speak up," June 26) about Muslims’ opinion on Abdul Rahman’s conversion to Christianity.

Islam is not only a religion, it is a complete way of life. Islam guides Muslims from birth to grave. The Quran and prophet Muhammad’s words and practical application of Quran in life cannot be changed.

Islam is a guide for humanity, for all times, until the day of judgment. It is forbidden in Islam to convert to any other religion. The penalty is death. There is no disagreement about it.

Islam is being embraced by people of other faiths all the time. They should know they can embrace Islam, but cannot get out. This rule is not made by Muslims; it is the supreme law of God.

Please do not ask us Muslims to pick some rules and disregard other rules. Muslims are supposed to embrace Islam in its totality.

Nazra Quraishi
East Lansing

Now, I do not know Mr. Quraishi but I am going to take his Letter at face value (and why not?).  Let me "review" it for the scary parts:

Islam is not only a religion, it is a complete way of life.

This, I believe, is the crux of the difference between practicing Muslims and most of us that practice our religions here in the West.  Religion is a part of us, but many differ in their day-to-day life than perhaps what the tenents of their religion would specify.  Further, our religion does not specify, in excrutiating detail, what we can or can not do.  This concept is as foreign as concept can get to most of us in the West.   There is nothing outside of Islam.

Islam guides Muslims from birth to grave. The Quran and prophet Muhammad’s words and practical application of Quran in life cannot be changed.

With the Koran (Quran), the Hadithas, and the rulings of the imans (religious rulers) EVERYTHING is specified.  There is very little latitude in daily life.  For instance, those wishing to enforce a fundamentalist Islamic way of life killed two tennis players and their coach, and several falalfal street vendors in Baghdad.  Why?  Their tennis shorts were not appropriate Islamic dress (and had been warned to stop) and falafal didn’t exist during Mohammad’s time, so it was forbidden now.

Islam is a guide for humanity, for all times, until the day of judgment.

Like Christianity, there is a Day of Judgement found in Islam. However, when it states "for humanity", the meaning here, in my opinion, is "all will either submit, convert, or die."  In my opinion, Muslim really do wish to convert humanity to Islam, not agreeing that other paths are permissible.  They really mean to convert, forceably, if needed.

It is forbidden in Islam to convert to any other religion. The penalty is death. There is no disagreement about it.

Islam is being embraced by people of other faiths all the time. They should know they can embrace Islam, but cannot get out. This rule is not made by Muslims; it is the supreme law of God.

Well, this makes it rather plain spoken, doesn’t it?  There is no "out" clause, there is no discussion.  Islam means "submission" – total submission.  There doesn’t seem to be any kind of moderate stance here, right?  This is truly a one way street – and there is no backing up like here where some change their religion often (and have the freedom to do so) without shame (mostly) or fear of retribution.

Please do not ask us Muslims to pick some rules and disregard other rules. Muslims are supposed to embrace Islam in its totality.

Again, the forced concept of submission.  This is absolute, complete, all-encompassing giving total control of your life to your religion.  NOTHING else matters, not even your life.

I once saw this online – an attempt to be humorous, but with a sting (h/t: Stuck On Stupid):

A roundtable discussion:

Moderator:"What would be the consequences, if any, for one of your brethren who renounced his/her religion?"

Catholic priest: "Well, that would depends on the circumstances.  I suppose the worst case scenario is that the individual would be excommunicated from the Church."

Othodox rabbi: "The individual would likely be shunned."

Fundamentalist Christian minister: "We’d pray that that person would find Jesus again thus saving his immortal soul before he dies."

Fundamentalist Muslim imam: "We must kill him."

No, Mr. Barnett, I’m not going to hold my breath for the moderates to speak up.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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