I’d really rather not concentrate on the education establishment, I really don’t. However, when they keep putting themselves up front and into the news, what else can I do?
A lot of talk shows and blog sites talk often about the "dumbing down of America". We older folks see it in the younger generation. Heck, we often see it in the teachers (how come my teachers didn’t behave like some of the female teachers who are having affairs with their teenaged pupils)? Parents are starting to get up and arms, and initiatives such as charter schools and and changing the funding to "fund the kid" rather than "fund the school" are gaining traction.
So what is the response of the NEA, the national teachers union? Shall we buckle down and concentrate on education? After all, if the kids tested better, maybe we taxpayers wouldn’t be so concerned.
Nope! Not today, anyways. The monopoly has other things in mind. Topic of discussion? Diversity! To wit: same-sex marriage (see here). The money snippet:
However, as Cybercast News Service previously reported, the NEA leadership originally hoped that delegates would vote on language supporting homosexual marriage and civil unions in all 50 states.
Everyone in the US can say what they want, pretty much when they want – that is not my problem here. My problem is that I feel that this is a distraction – take this on once your customers are happy.
Sorry, my view is teachers should be teaching. Politic on educational issues. This is not germaine to teaching reading, science, math, languages, et al – the core of what you do.