6 and a half is the new 7. Or something.

So, this guy, Democrat Jon Morgan, seated in this photo to the left (“to the left”; ha, made myself laugh) of Democrat House Candidate Liz McDonnell, one of the Moms Demand Action girls, publicly stated at an October 29, 2018 campaign event in Brentwood, NH that he only returned to live in NH for “about … Read more

“I’m NOT going to be IGNORED!”

Who would have believed that 31 years after it debuted, a fully-growed Massachusetts cop who runs an alleged pro-firearms organization based in NH would reprise Glenn Close’s role and give voice once more to her homicidal threat? Those of you who know me know I have repeatedly expressed my personal belief that this “firearms” organization … Read more

Senator Boutin – “Get off my lawn!”

We don't need no stinkin platform!
We don’t need no stinkin platform!

BUMPED: from 11/20/13 – Regardless of Boutin’s word, it is clear that he voted to bring Obama’s Medicaid Expansion into New Hampshire willingly and knowingly.  He increased the size and cost of Government, contra the NH GOP Platform.  He voted with the State Senate Leadership over Republican Principles. His financial slight of hand did not go unnoticed.  Please vote for Bill Kuch in the Republican Primary on Sept 11, 2018.


H/T Brian Tilton:

“Concord, NH – State Senator David Boutin, R- Hooksett, issued the following statement this morning prior to Governor Hassan’s event in support of ObamaCare:

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If it isn’t on “google”…….

Some guy on Facebook was berating me because, instead of simply asking the Attorney General’s himself office for copies of the recently released NH Senate investigation transcripts, the fact he couldn’t “google” them meant they didn’t exist.  He even suggested I might have made the whole thing up. So, for any of you who also … Read more

The Party of “Nice” keeps flunking kindergarten manners

Says the guy wearing a $9,000 Rolex.

“Connoisseurs looking at his social media will recognize the watch as the Rolex GMT Master-II. The choice of fighter pilots and frat boys with large trust funds, it makes a statement but not the kind a progressive politician might want to make. ” Virtue Signaling. Hypocrite.  Democrat.

Notable Quote – John Yatczyshyn

“I’m amazed at how you can change a man into a woman or woman into a man successfully but Democrats go ballistic when one even suggests changing people from Gay to straight. Does anyone see the hypocrisy and control here?“ – John Yatczyshyn

Notable Quote – Samuel Adams

“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, … Read more

Israel’s Birthday

‘On May 14th, 1948, in Tel Aviv, Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the State of Israel, reestablishing the Jewish state after 2000 years. In an afternoon ceremony at the Tel Aviv Art Museum, Ben-Gurion pronounced the words “We hereby proclaim the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine, to be called Israel,” prompting applause … Read more

Marsy’s Law…

…gonna make Madame DeFarge look like Mother Goose…


Which Democrat will be the first to call for the confiscation and banning of guns? Or do they only just need one more new law?

Oh the outrage…

“Outrage supposedly felt on behalf of others is extremely gratifying for more than one reason. It has the appearance of selflessness, and everyone likes to feel that he is selfless. It confers moral respectability on the desire to hate or despise something or somebody, a desire never far from the human heart.”  

Mr. Speaker, be careful what you wish for…….

From the well this afternoon, newly-elected NH House Speaker Gene Chandler is reported – by Democrat Katherine Rogers – to have said “I promise to do the right thing and if not, come up and give me a wrap [sic] aside of the head.” I’m not sure how to tell you this but ….

It’s on.

I love how I’m referred to as a political foe instead of an election volunteer; but maybe that’s her defense.  Since her attorney is the big cheese for the NH Democrat Party, I’m sure he has a plan.    

Know Your “Nazis” – A Handy Chart

H/T (Me, for posting this here for Susan after she put it on Facebook)

What’s in YOUR bonnet?

“The other thing about people in cults is they join from self-loathing. They hate themselves and seek to swap their hated individual identity with that of the group. It’s why they will savagely defend their group like a mother defending their young. It’s self-defense. The group is them and they are the group. Therefore, any … Read more

Do Democrat Women Really Believe the Men in the NH Legislature Are “Misogynistic?

I just sent this email to all NH state representatives:

This Thursday [June 1], a number of Democrat women – and perhaps some men – intend to protest what they aver is widespread and malevolent “misogyny” in the NH legislature.

Apparently, these women don’t read books – even bad ones – so one presumes it was only after it was made into a bad television series that they discovered the 1986 science fiction novel “A Handmaid’s Tale“.

You saw them dressed up in costumes in the lobby of the LOB to protest mean words and bad thoughts….now they plan to protest apparently en masse this Thursday.

From their Facebook page:

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Frost’s Chilling Effect

Anyone who is not a lobbyist but has used their own time and money – and taken the time out of their work day – to testify before a NH House or Senate committee knows how scary and intimidating it can be.   So you write your testimony, try to keep it concise, print it out … Read more


Update: May 12, 2017…seems to girls over at the NH Association of Chiefs of Police don’t like taxpayers using photos paid for by taxpayers, so I’ll use this one instead.


In case you don’t “Facebook”, this so-called “News Release” appeared on the Facebook page of the NH Association of Chiefs of Police yesterday:



February 13, 2017

The legislature passed SB12 allowing carrying concealed loaded firearms without a license. This bill is seriously flawed due to the words “possession” and “firearm.” The legal and technical meanings of these words are the problem. All handguns are firearms but not all firearms are handguns. Possession by a minor is not the same as selling to a minor. The difference is who is doing the prohibited act.

The bill says a license will have to be issued to an applicant who is not prohibited by New Hampshire or federal statute from “possessing a firearm.”

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Democrats and Disarmament – the Truth about NH’s Pistol License Law

On January 10, 1923, NH’s more than 450,000 residents enjoyed equally the right to defend themselves, their families, their property and the state. By May of that year, 91,000 found themselves criminalized and statutorily stripped of those rights. But New Hampshire is the “Live Free or Die” state. How could that happen?

In 1922, more than 17,000 people were employed at the Amoskeag Mills in Manchester, the state’s largest enterprise and once the world’s largest cotton textile mill. Many had been recruited from overseas.

In fact, legal immigration to New Hampshire between 1880 and 1920 more than doubled from 46,284 to 91,397. In each of the years leading up to 1923, these foreign-born, legal residents enjoyed the same right of self-defense as any native-born New Hampshire citizen.

However, following the end of War World I, the falling demand for and growing competition to Amoskeag’s products started the mills’ slow decline. Despite good faith negotiations with Amoskeag’s Boston-based owners, on February 22, 1922, Amoskeag announced that pay would be reduced by 20 percent while hours increased from 48 to 54 hours per week. A nine-month strike ensued, but the 12,000 striking workers were eventually brought to heel in November of 1922.

On January 11 of 1923, Representative Cobliegh of Nashua introduced HB 26, “An act to control the possession, sale and use of pistols and revolvers” which, once enacted, disarmed and criminalized not just the foreign-born Amoskeag workers but 100% of the more than 91,000 “foreign-born, unnaturalized” people living in NH.

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