It seems that dissent is not well liked by the “Minority Party appointed Majority Leader” Jack Flanagan

One can be a “Leader” only if there are people willing to follow.  It looks like Jack Flanagan is having this problem:

From: HouseRepublicanOffice
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2014 3:39 PM
To: HouseRepublicanOffice
Subject: House Republican Caucus December 17th

House Republicans will hold their first caucus of the upcoming session on Wed., Dec. 17 at 10 a.m.. The caucus will held in Representatives Hall at the State House in Concord. This fact finding meeting will help to develop the House Republican agenda, policy, pending legislation and support.

Contrary to what you have been hearing, the Republican meeting scheduled for Monday, December Dec. 8, at the Grappone Center in Concord, is not a House Republican caucus.

I look forward to seeing you all on the 17th and working with you this session.

Rep. Jack Flanagan
House Majority Leader


From: Hoell, JR
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 10:41 AM
To: Baldasaro, Al; LeBrun, Donald
Cc: HouseRepublicanOffice; ~Republican House Members
Subject: RE: House Republican Caucus December 17th

Dear Rep Flanagan,

Thank you for the invite to attend a meeting on the 17th. At this point I do not see the value of a “2nd caucus meeting” as the decisions made in the first Caucus meeting were completely undermined on the house floor on Organization day.  There are members of our caucus who have no integrity; have outright lied to win their positions, those members have deceived the other members as well as the voters.  Therefore, I cannot support the decision of the minority of the members of our Caucus.

Integrity matters and I will do what I was sent to Concord to do.  The voters in Bow and Dunbarton sent 100% of their delegation to the State House as Republicans.  This is the first time that has happened in a very long time.  Even in the 2010 election year, only former member Hon. Keane and I were elected.

To this end, I find that the current “Speaker-elect” was not elected by the majority of the majority party and therefore is in no position to appoint anyone to be the majority leader of a party other than perhaps the minority leader.    The title you listed below your name needs to be earned and that has not yet happened.  You are welcome to seek the position of Majority leader, but the position is one that is earned by 50%+1 of the Republican caucus.

Therefore, until I see a letter from larger group of people asking for this meeting, I will consider this event as something you are doing as a individual member.  With that in mind, I do not plan on attending.

Rep. Hoell

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