Do What You Gotta Do Girl

090513TBDiary9TBSuddenly, and without warning, a secret diary pops up in the New York press and an irresistible young Robert F. Kennedy has some explaining to do.

I imagine the dust from his personal “hit” list of female Democrat sexual conquests will take longer than 2016 to settle down.

Wouldn’t you say?

I scanned the chatter about the secret Kennedy diary and found something interesting.  Sure, Al Sharpton and Baby Daddy Jackson get slammed, along with Andrew Cuomo.  Republicans are all stupid, foolish, etc, etc, Alinsky – you expect that from a Kennedy.  And Bill Clinton himself is mentioned, but no slant was given as of yet.

The missing link herself is not to be found?

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Distraction Du Jour?

Just as the Bomb Syria campaign was designed to take our eyes off the Benghazi Debacle-gate story, something HAS to be next. How can the Obama media come up with something juicy enough to stop everyone from having half an opinion on us bombing someone who hates the United states for bombing someone who hates … Read more

Voter Fraud: See No Evil – Investigate No Evil

I dont always vote in NH but when I do I live at Martha Fuller Clarks HouseThe more you know about voter fraud in NH the more the smell of dead fish comes to mind.

Remember that “exoneration” of the clearly out-of-state campaign workers who from 2008 – 2012 were registered at NH State Senator Martha Fuller Clark’s voter fraud flophouse in Portsmouth?  Now, never say I have had an issue with her grown children who look like they live somewhere else but vote from her home. I am not even sure I remember their names, irrelevant to me, but this deal about the NH Attorney General’s Office “exonerating” Senator Clark – that is interesting, really interesting.

If The NH AG is investigating voter fraud, using their own special standards, not our laws, then their actions regarding the State Senator Clark voter fraud flophouse make sense.  Here is why:

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NH Democrats Jamming The Phones in Colorado

voter checklist - legalized vote fraud in NHDid you hear that the Manchester Paper has a story about NH State senator Jeb Bradley’s son voting in Colorado where he went to college – and by absentee here in NH? Well I did.

And I was thinking, how did the “investigative journalist” at the Manchester Paper get that kind of info from an out of state source? Most states do not give it out over the phone – so I called.

The people in Colorado, at the Laramire County Clerk’s Office, are very nice. They were more than ready to tell me how the Bradley boy voted but wondered about all the calls regarding this one voter.


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Liberal Logic – “Obama Malaise Overload Syndrome

Suddenly we need to get involved with the war in Syria to save the children – like the Clintons did at Waco, Texas – by killing them all with an intentionally set fire designed to destroy the evidence. But at this point, what does it matter? Back to Syria and a current look at Liberal … Read more

Is That Whitewash In Your Eye? You Must Work For the NH AG

Martha's Motel Martha Fuller Clark home to out of state vote stealersSo what else is new?  The New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office has “cleared” NH State Senator Martha Fuller Clark of harboring non-residents at her voter fraud mansion in Portsmouth.  Big deal!

The AG has been doing this kind of stuff since 1993 that I know of. All the NH AG’s Election Division has done is shift the spotlight to themselves. And it is about time. I am going to keep on exposing non-resident voters until the cows come home.

Let us begin with a quote from the article in the

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What Does He Use For A Return Address?

Hand in hand we stroll down voter fraud lane – otherwise known as the “road to the Clark House.” Yesterday, thanks to public pressure in their own states, several of the long lists of non-resident voters in NH relinquished their keys to Martha’s Motel. The out-of-state voters wrote to Portsmouth’s holier than thou election officials … Read more

A Matter of INTENT

I hear a lot of excuses about how we have to let THOUSANDS of non-residents vote in NH because there is no way to determine their “INTENT.”

Once again, THOUSANDS of non-resident voters come here each election cycle, steal our votes and stay on the checklists for up to ten years.

Don’t believe me?

Check out Martha Fuller Clark’s house in Portsmouth.

Have the people “in charge” of the election there taken the non-resident vote stealers off the list?

I doubt it.

Back to the problem with INTENT and how difficult it is to determine.

If the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s Office can not determine INTENT – then why are we having recounts?

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What Has She Done to Deserve This?

It is so popular to call a Democrat “popular” that pollsters, who somehow forgot to poll our non-resident voters, are doing new popularity polls on Maggie Hassan: the Concord Monitor has just reported onone now.   Imagine that, she is “popular” and it’s a UNH poll! Here we go again! If another 99,000 people register … Read more

Voter fraud teaser

All we wanted was to simply see the November 6, 2012 checklist from the City of Portsmouth, NH.  Is that such a crime?  Not really , but when a CNHT pal went to Portsmouth City Hall to look up a name on the checklist, the answer was that the checklist had too much personal information on it for public review so, sorry, NO!

I wasn’t aware that checklists in Portsmouth, NH were so secretive.

The NH Secretary of State’s Office must be behind the times regarding the new law in Portsmouth. They still think checklists are public.

Just last year I did a CNHT Voter Fraud Workshop at the library in Portsmouth and a whole crew of Portsmouth election officials showed up. Like many other election officials they will parrot the line that there is no voter fraud in New Hampshire. And Portsmouth, being a very liberal city, should know about that, right?

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Voter Fraud, Kathy Sullivan? Really, you?

First of all, THANK YOU Kathy Sullivan for the opportunity to bring up a relevant subject about “winning” elections:

How many out of state voters were living in your private home this election cycle?

The one glaring example of vote stealing in NH, and how it really works, is your home where you let Geoff Wetrosky, a non-resident vote with your address. Wetrosky was paid for by Candidate John Kerry, to help Mayor for Life Bob. Did you get any RENT from Wetrosky? Did he have HIS name on your electric bill? How is a non-resident campaign thug able to call YOUR home, home?

Now Kathy, in this cycle, did you let any non-residents use your private home as their MOBILE DOMICILE and steal a Manchester vote?

How about signs, did you use your voter fraud motel as a drop off point for stolen signs like you did in 2005 when the Manchester cops showed up and caught you and Wetrosky?

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