All we wanted was to simply see the November 6, 2012 checklist from the City of Portsmouth, NH. Is that such a crime? Not really , but when a CNHT pal went to Portsmouth City Hall to look up a name on the checklist, the answer was that the checklist had too much personal information on it for public review so, sorry, NO!
I wasn’t aware that checklists in Portsmouth, NH were so secretive.
The NH Secretary of State’s Office must be behind the times regarding the new law in Portsmouth. They still think checklists are public.
Just last year I did a CNHT Voter Fraud Workshop at the library in Portsmouth and a whole crew of Portsmouth election officials showed up. Like many other election officials they will parrot the line that there is no voter fraud in New Hampshire. And Portsmouth, being a very liberal city, should know about that, right?
Once we started the workshop and the Portsmouth election experts saw I was handing out copies of voter fraud confessions, photographs, police reports, etc., they lost the smirks they walked in with. One little moonbat tried to take the microphone from me to explain that what I was talking about was in all actuality, election law violations, not voter fraud. Keep in mind this haughty group of lefties was so sure there was no voter fraud in NH that they were caught off guard when it was dropped in their laps. (Typical liberals without talking points.)
I have, since that time, wondered when we would have enough time to explore voting irregularities in that fine, Progressive city.
Without a complete re-definition of what voter fraud is and how it may be similar to or very different from election law violations, we may get a peek into how the Portsmouth Election Officials operate when they THINK voter checklists are secret documents only they and their fellow travelers can see.
In the front row of the Portsmouth Library sat a few people who live in that city and apparently know right from wrong. They started mocking some of the moonbats and chuckling at their discomfort. I thought, then and there, it would be nice to go back to Portsmouth and have another go at exposing voter fraud.
Coming soon to a location in Portsmouth – a new updated example of how voter fraud works – with a wink and a nod from local election officials!