Did you hear that the Manchester Paper has a story about NH State senator Jeb Bradley’s son voting in Colorado where he went to college – and by absentee here in NH? Well I did.
And I was thinking, how did the “investigative journalist” at the Manchester Paper get that kind of info from an out of state source? Most states do not give it out over the phone – so I called.
The people in Colorado, at the Laramire County Clerk’s Office, are very nice. They were more than ready to tell me how the Bradley boy voted but wondered about all the calls regarding this one voter.
I gave them my name and title, as it is, and they gave me the voting history on Jeb’s son.
Then they asked me if I knew the “investigative reporter” from the Manchester Paper who called, and the other guy, Harol, Harold… something.
I told them I did.
What a coincidence.
So it looks like, from this investigative reporter’s position, that CNHT, Granite Grok, Gerardatlarge.com, Jeff Chidester, and a host of other “investigative journalists and volunteers,” have been looking into out-of-state campaign workers, and others, voting illegally in New Hampshire while this other team of ‘voter fraud investigators’ are going down a list of prominent New Hampshire Republicans and their relatives looking for voter fraud.
No surprise to me.
I have to congratulate the tag team who caught a Republican engaged in voter fraud, we have as well. Now they have a great, joint story to distract from the over 4,000 ghost voters NH has.
The Manchester Paper investigative reporter and Harrell (Kirstein) can keep this in the news for us while they try, once again, to make cover for our crooked system which benefits their political ideology and candidates.
We will keep tracking down the other 4,000 ghost voters. They will run out of Republicans to investigate.
Nice to know which side everyone is on.