Young Americans for Liberty Calls Upon Key Ally to Condemn Controversial Biden Treasury Nominee

National grassroots organization joins forces with State Rep. Michael Yakubovich (R-NH), an immigrant from the Soviet Union, to denounce Biden Treasury nominee Saule Omarova.

Austin, TX – In the wake of President Biden’s nomination of Saule Omarova as Comptroller of the Currency, leaders across the liberty movement are going on the offensive against yet another one of Biden’s nominees. Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth libertarian organization—is leading the charge.

Omarova, a former Soviet citizen, is extremely outspoken about her communist sympathies. In 2019, she posted a now-infamous tweet claiming that “there was no gender pay gap” in the Soviet Union. Fifteen months later, Omarova controversially statedthat, in order to “tackle climate change,” she wanted smaller companies in the fossil fuel industry “to go bankrupt.” And, in a research paper published by Cornell Law School last month, Omarova proposed shifting all commercial bank accounts to the Federal Reserve, creating a Soviet-style level of control over the finances of American citizens.

As an immigrant from the Soviet Union, New Hampshire State Representative Michael Yakubovich understands the horrors of Marxism and central planning. He said:

“The push to nominate Saule Omarova is a blatant show of the Biden administration’s radical political agenda. As a former citizen of the USSR, I find it appalling that an American presidential administration is defending someone who has such a close loyalty to the repulsive ideas of communist central planning and economic control, which starved millions of people, both in my home country of Belarus and in other countries around the world.”

Michael Yakubovich serves in YAL’s Hazlitt Coalition, a network of more than 170 libertarian-aligned state legislators from nearly 40 states. YAL and the Hazlitt Coalition stand ready to oppose Omarova’s confirmation at all costs.

YAL Senior Spokesperson Eric Brakey, a former member of the Maine State Senate, has also issued a dire warning about Omarova’s agenda. “Untold millions fled (or attempted to flee) the Eastern Bloc in search of freedom, yet Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, is promoting Soviet-style central planning here in America,” said Brakey. “Her plan to put an ‘end to banking as we know it’ would give the Federal Reserve unprecedented authority to monitor and control the financial transactions of every single American. As the Fed’s inflationary policies wreak havoc on our economy, we should be restoring sound and independent money—not granting more power to unelected bureaucrats over our financial system.”

The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs committee will hold another hearing on Omarova’s nomination later this month.

You can follow YAL on Twitter @YALiberty. To schedule an interview, please contact Luka Ladan at or (617) 932-9120.

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For Immediate Release
November 16th, 2021
Young Americans for Liberty
Media Contact: Luka Ladan


Editor: Reformatted

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