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Is there a Chinese Spy State Inside our Schools?

The Hill has an Op-Ed advising all universities and colleges in the US to close Confucius Institutes. In light of the current concern over China’s activities in the US, the University of New Hampshire’s partnership with the Confucius Institute is worthy of another review.

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How $1M From China-linked Groups Oiled New York Politics

The Confucius Institute funded UNH. There is a contract through 2024 or at least a payment that has been made through 2024. Has anyone seen the contract? Why did UNH get chosen to introduce the unregulated “Dear Colleague” Title IX letter in 2011?

China, Women’s Rights, and the #MeToo Cabal

Right after the George Floyd protests, Alexander Prout posted a Tweet with a letter demanding reparations for black students at St, Paul’s School. He asked people to sign the letter. An alum posted under it that it was tied to China.

Klaus Schwab WEF YouTube Screen Grab

Assets of the World Economic Forum?

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Amber Heard, Evan Rachel Wood, Chessy Prout, Sam Bankman-Fried? Snake charmers to sell snake oil? Who is making the oil? Who is creating the campaign? Who is being recruited to sell it? And who is getting rich off the proceeds?

Has the University of New Hampshire Been ‘Colluding’ With the Chinese Government?

In March of this year, the CIA issued a classified report labeling Confucious institutes as a threat. The CIA has issued a classified report detailing China’s far-reaching foreign influence operations campaign in the United States, which imparts financial incentives as leverage to permeate American institutions. The University of New Hampshire has had theirs since 2010. But … Read more