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Who Knew that the NHSBA’s Policy JBAB was Instituted in Philadelphia?

Absolutely gobsmacking on this (well, not really, but it’s a good way to start a post). Who thought that such a large city as Philadelphia would incorporate dinky little NH School Board Association policy on “Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students” (otherwise known as Policy JBAB here in NH, Policy #252 in Philly)?  But here is … Read more

Is My School Board Ready To Run On The NHSBA Agenda?

Irritating the Bureaucracy makes me smile.  Irritating the lobbying arm of the bureaucracy that disguises itself as something else is even better.  And that is what my friend Gary Krupp has done on his maiden voyage into the Blogosphere.  (Welcome to the deep end of the pool.) Gary gives us an update on the local … Read more

Small Victory In Merrimack – re: NHSBA

In a recent legal decision provided to the Merrimack School Superintendent and Board, it has been determined that what the New Hampshire School Board Association (NHSBA) does.. a) Is lobbying. “Dean Michener is employed by NHSBA and is a registered lobbyist.  Thus, it would seem to be a foregone conclusion that NHSBA is engaged in … Read more

SDGA logo 2

A Conversation I Think That The Education Establishment Will Abhor

Most folks know what the NHSBA stands for – The NH School Board Association. Frankly, it is the epitome of the Education Establishment. They know best. They will do what they want, and while they’d like “involved parents,” They don’t brook too much dissent.

Gilford School District SAU73

“What Is The Transgender Status of My Legal Son?” Part 1

Keep this in mind as this was definitively told to me: The District does not lie to parents. Yep, I took that person at their word, sorta (backstory later).  But that is an official pronouncement.  Like “Hunter hasn’t done anything wrong.” –

SAU16 Exeter coop

SAU16/Exeter: Gender Clinic or School District?

Is it any wonder that enrollments are declining, and parents are looking for alternative schools for their children? Is it any wonder, that parents are removing their children from the public schools and looking for alternative schools focused on academics versus social engineering?

parental rights

Who’s Against Parental Rights in New Hampshire?

Two important Bills will be heard in Concord this week supporting parental rights, so who can oppose that? You can bet there will be a line of people waiting to testify against parental rights. They will use the excuse that parents cannot be trusted with their own children.