Well, we all know what the latest Prez Primary news is – another allegation concerning Herman Cain. Yes, GraniteGrok endorsed Mr. Cain (before all these allegations started). Knowing that, someone asked me, last nite, what I thought about them; my response (edited to add additional thoughts):
Boy, SOMEbody wanted him out of the race BADLY. And I think with this, they may have succeeded with the last nail whether or not the allegation is true or not. Even if this is politics, our system is to presume innocence before guilt. Yet, we all know that perception is reality in this sphere.
You know, I was going to post some thoughts on this post as I agreed with it:
On Sunday evening, October 30, Politico broke the story that two women had complained about Herman Cain while at the National Restaurant Association. In that first week, Politico ran several dozen stories about the accusations without telling us what the accusations were, while characterizing the accusations as sexual harassment.
During the subsequent three weeks, the name of one of the accusers in the Politico story, Karen Kraushaar, was released, but she has refused to release details of the accusations she made, despite initially indicating she would do so, and it turns out this was not her only employment complaint. Another accuser with a dubious background, Sharon Bialek, came forward, but she was not part of the original Politico story and her supposed corroboration also was suspect.
While the media regularly referred to 4 or 5 accusers, we only knew the names of two of them and only knew the accusations of one of them.
But back to Politico.
After hundreds of articles at Politico, what do we know about the specific accusations against Herman Cain which gave rise to Politico’s original reporting: Nothing.
After hundreds of articles at Politico, what do we know about the specific evidence against Herman Cain which gave rise to Politico’s original reporting: Nothing.
Truly incredible.
But this newest story continues the dreaded drip.
Some of the early supporters left at the first allegation believing him to be tainted (even if innocent); nothing less than picture perfect in this area is acceptable to them. Others left as the dripping continued…..but many said "OK, where’s the proof?" and not willing to accept allegations and what seemed to be an MSM (actually, just Politico) driven smear. They waited it out and felt vindicated that the allegations were just that….and kept their support steady for Herman (and voted with their dollars).
Now? The planted doubt is now redoubled – is he, or isn’t he? Once again we see the "she said, he said" dripping renewed. For many, this may well be it, that last nail, I’m afraid, politically, guilty or not morally or legally for either reasons of "I can’t defend this to others", "this isn’t stopping", or presuming that the atmosphere has changed to the worse for him. Others still, however, will continue to stand with Herman unless he decides his "reassessment" goes to terminate mode.
And if he really is innocent and just the subject of oppo research / win at any cost, as former U.S. Department of Labor Sec. Ray Donovan said, after being exonerated after a long trial, "I was acquitted, now how do i get my reputation back?"