Uncle Joe Says… If they Oppose My Plan, Put Them in Jail

Joe Biden suggested at the debate that some insurance executives should be jailed. It seems Biden holds them responsible for having a role in the opioid crisis. Biden’s remarks came as he was talking about his health care plan. Uncle Joe is the former vice president and is a 2020 presidential contender.

The quote:

Biden the Dem’s frontrunner said, “I have the only plan that limits the ability of insurance companies to charge unreasonable prices, flat out, number one… Number two, we should put some of these insurance executives who totally oppose my plan in jail for the nine billion opioids they sell out there…. They are misrepresenting to the American people what need to be done.”

During the first round Democrat debate Biden made similar comments. For some reason this position has drawn no fire from the big time talking heads. It seems a pretty extreme position to take in an American political campaign.

The basis:

Insurance executives don’t write the prescriptions. They don’t fill the prescriptions. Sales to pharmacies are not done by insurance companies. I’m going to put my political opposition in jail, really? Is it just me? Or does it sound like a threat?

The party line…

Maybe it is a party position. Lord knows the media are all party members. No, check their cards… they are party members. Need corroboration? Check the campaign contribution lists.

The party rules for media members are:

  1. Never pass up a tough question for the opposition.
  2. If working with a friend of the party never ask a tough question.
    1. (They might be future employer.)
  3. Never report.
  4. Always tell “them” what they need to know.
  5. Always pass it by the DNC before writing, speaking or acting.


Yup, Uncle Joe is a Democrat. He’s intolerant. But at least he can be counted on to move America closer to tyranny. He will jail the opposition, raise your taxes and reduce your freedom. And he’s the moderate one… Please, double check what he said. Maybe think about it. It’s only our future.

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