Fickle Formella, What Will Our Next Governor and Executive Council Do?

Julie Smith

Today is a good day to revisit my previous article about Formella because the dropping of charges against the Elbit vandals had to have been approved by him, either actively or passively.  Either way, it’s happening on his watch as the ship’s captain.  NH Journal posted, “Formella’s office did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday.”  

Sunday was September 29 and the 3rd anniversary of what I call “St A’s Day.”  When Councilor Wheeler canceled the meeting before the vote on the federal money was to be had, the Damn Emperor sent Formella on a fishing expedition.  His assignment was to find something to charge Frank Staples and Nurse Terese with.  One big nothingburger was quietly reported while evading front-page headline coverage.  So little attention was given to the findings of the witch hunt that many people, including some higher office candidates at the time, mistakenly thought that the October 13 charges were dropped against the nine arrest victims.  Just ask former US Senate candidate Kevin Smith and the attendees of the NRCC meeting he was stumping at when he took a question from me!

During the 20 months of tormenting lawfare that the 10/13/21 arrest victims endured before the dismissal of their charges, supporters were often told that only the attorney general could drop the charges.  As their defense attorney, William Gens, often says “be that as it may,” let’s get back to the Elbit thing because there seems to be a lot of disparity as to what charges get dropped or downgraded.

We have a former attorney general running for governor, and I wanted to know before the primary, but it was sadly not to happen, and here we are.  Voters deserve to know what Kelly Ayotte and Joyce Craig plan to do in April upon the expiration of Formella’s appointment.  Any intelligent person can predict Joyce’s plans to install some nut job that wants to “get Trump” and/or ignore murder, rape, vandalism, arson, and anything else that her team’s agenda does not want to be prosecuted.  But what about Kelly? 

We’re stuck with her on the ballot, so make her go on record.  Ask her if she will renew the appointment of Formella, who allowed the 10/13/21 executive council arrests to happen and who turned a blind eye to unspeakable things happening at the youth center.  If her answer is no, ask her who she plans to replace him with.

While I have your attention, take a look at all ten executive council candidates whose names are on the November ballot. It’s a good idea to find out if they will approve another four years of Formella, especially in District 4.


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