ICYMI – Dems Ran on Abortion in 2020 and 2022 and Look Where it Got Us

Steve MacDonald

Bad outcomes for those outside the womb.

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I’m not sure what the political ads look like where you are, but Democrats in my corner of what passes for the Free World are running on Abortion (again). And while I’ve made this case before here, and on here, they ran on abortion in 2020 and 2022, and look where that got us.

Food inflation is up 25% (on average) and much more depending on your needs. Feeding your family is a lot harder than it has to be. Gas prices have slipped a bit recently, but energy prices, electricity, heating fuels, and gasoline are taking a much more significant than necessary bite out of a dollar that has lost value simultaneously as a result of policy choices by pro-abortion Democrats.

If crime has dropped from a recent peak, it is still exponentially higher than before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stumbled into the White House partly because they stopped keeping track of some crimes that still occur.

Opioid use and overdose deaths continue to set records, and even liberals are saying enough with the open-borders immigration – it’s killing us.

When you voted for third-trimester abortions, did you expect gang violence and drug cartels to take over neighborhoods? How about rampant homelessness?

When you voted “abortion,” you voted for all of that. You voted for the war on free speech, the war on health freedom, the war in Ukraine, and drugging kids with experimental puberty blockers. You voted to allow the government to harass parents who didn’t want their little girls seeing porn, force-vaccinated or groomed, and for a government that pressures private companies to censor American citizens. If you voted “abortion” you voted to force women out of their jobs or closed their businesses because they believed they had a right to decide what goes into their bodies.

You voted to use the FBI to settle political vendettas and meddle in elections.

You got trillions in new debt plus interest loaded onto the backs of children and grandchildren who couldn’t vote for it.

You voted for all of that for something almost no one, including women, think is a good idea.

When Democrats talk about ‘protecting’ abortion, they mean extreme late-term abortion. The kind almost no one gets, and very few think should be permitted. The global population opposes them. More liberal states than mine have more restrictions. But they keep running on it.

Democrats don’t say that you’ll get all that other stuff if you vote for them based on that one issue. But with few exceptions, no matter who you vote for, any woman who wants one can get an abortion in America whenever they want it, and the most significant hardship is having to drive a few hours (at worst, to a nearby state).

How far would you drive to get your freedom back? To get cheaper food and reliable, affordable energy prices. To have peace and order, sensible immigration policy, and schools that teach kids to read and do math. Safer streets, healthier children. The knowledge that no one will make you put things into your body you don’t want there. The knowledge is that you can say what’s on your mind and not get fined, censored, canceled, or arrested (where an apology would be enough if you were out of line).

If you are convinced to vote for a Democrat becasue of the abortion issue, there won’t be any distance you can drive to get those things back. They’ll be gone.

But if you drive yourself and friends or family to the polls in November and you all vote to pull your country back from the precipice on which it currently teeters … you’ll still have abortion, but you might get some or even all of that other stuff we lost back.

updated from Steve’s Substack


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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