The Demorats ‘Democracy’ Is Showing

Steve MacDonald

While it is not a hard and fast editorial rule, the unspoken ‘Grok policy when referring to the party of Democrats is to call it the Democrat party. They don’t like it, but that’s not why we do it. There is little to nothing Democratic about the party, and their obsession with the word democracy is proof. They are trying to convince themselves, or more importantly, voters, that they are not a bunch of depots.

But they behave like tyrants.

Bernie Sanders got screwed by “democracy” at the hands of Democrats, not once but twice. And Democrat voters got screwed this year when the DNC and donor class deposed a sitting monarch (Joe Biden) and annotated his replacement, Kamala Harris.

Throughout the Presidential primaries, Democrat governors attempted to keep Donald Trump off their state primary ballots for only one reason: They are afraid he’ll win, and they will lose. Any excuse was just that – in a Democracy, you let the people decide unless there is too much risk that they won’t pick your guy (or gal). The global cabal has no intention of allowing Democracy to get in the way of their preference, but they will pay lip service to it to the bitter end.

When it became clear that RFK Jr. was running as an independent, they had mixed feelings. As a Democrat with a historically significant name, they didn’t want him on the ballot. Now that he is backing Trump, they do—in swing states where he might pull votes from the Republican ticket.

Cornel West is a Marxist stooge, but he has as much right to run for office as anyone else, and he is. The Democrat Party or its proxies are working to get his name off the ballot in any state they think matters because he will take votes from Kamala Harris.

Marc Elias, the former Clinton campaign lawyer and Democratic National Committee (DNC) figure focused on election integrity, sent a letter Monday to Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s administration threatening to sue them if they keep independent candidate Cornel West on the ballot in November.

This is the opposite of democracy. There is nothing Democratic about it. If West meets the state’s requirements, the people deserve to see his name on the ballot and choose whether he represents their values (or at least some approximation based on how he presents himself).

Democrats don’t want that because Democracy is not what they are about. They are only interested in controlling trillions of dollars and what that buys. Power and influence. They are not interested in your opinion unless it is theirs, and they will use power and influence to silence you by any means at their disposal.

We’ve already seen it all. Censorship. Intimidation. Threats. Canceling people. FBI raids. Lawfare. Show trials. Incarceration.

That is their idea of democracy.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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