Elon Calls Out Our Rigged Elections … But What Can Republicans Do About It?

In a nutshell, our elections are designed to allow the Left to cheat. It’s that simple. Mail-in ballots and drop-boxes are unverifiable. Yet that is how the so-called “swing States” conduct elections.

Finally, thanks to Elon’s purchase of twitter, people who are willing to believe what they see and hear, and who can think for themselves, know that our elections are SHAMS. Thank you, Elon.

New Hampshire might not allow universal mail-in voting or employ drop-boxes. But the Granite State’s elections are also SHAMS. The NHGOP makes a lot of noise about stopping out-of-state college students, out-of-state “campaign workers,” etc., from voting in our elections … BUT does NOTHING of consequence to stop it.

Laws get ignored by Leftist local election officials … go unenforced by the Left-wing Attorney-General’s office … and are treated as wax figurines by the incompetent, activist “judges” in the state courts. Hell … one of the biggest defenders of rigged elections in the AG’s office … Anne Edwards … was rewarded by being made a Superior Court judge by Sun-King Sununu and the supposedly GOP-controlled Executive Council.

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