On Any Impending Guerrilla War?

Steve Earle

Everything Steve wrote a while ago about a revolution by conservatives is pretty much true. If the Left is in power, when someone shoots back against Antifa or BLM, they (the Left) would love to declare a national emergency and deploy federalized troops to crush resistance.

But if we can elect Donald Trump, there is a better than even chance that by declaring a national emergency, we would or could use the limited military against those internal terrorist groups, their supporters, and financiers. Also, we need to consider radical Islamists, and all those military-age illegal aliens would likely be a factor.

In the article comments, one writer rightly pointed out that in the first instance, with a democrat-controlled military, the resistance would use guerilla tactics, never engaging the police or military, only assassinations of leftist politicians, media, activists, and infrastructure. How long did the Irish Republican Army fight British rule? Ask yourself.

In the second instance, my hope, roles would be reversed, but we conservatives would have a far better chance of survival as many of us are legally armed and could immediately respond to terrorist threats on site.

Ideally, with a Trump administration, major incidents of violence could be avoided and criminal terrorist gangs arrested early on along with those funding them. But who knows?


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